
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ABA - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
ABC - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ABC_PRINCIPAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ACCIDENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
accidentDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
accidentDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
accidentState() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
accidentState(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
AccountNumberQualifier - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
ACH - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
ACUTE_MANIFESTATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
acuteManifestationDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
acuteManifestationDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
ADA - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
add(Elt) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
add(ClaimPaymentContainer) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
add(Adjustment) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentHolder
addChild(EdiSeg) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
addCodeEntities(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
addCodeEntityForClaim(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
addCodeEntityForSeg(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
addCodeEntityForSeg(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
addCodeEntityForSeg(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
addDiag(CodeEntity, int) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
additionalIds() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
additionalIds(List<Reference>) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
addLine(ServiceLine) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
addModifier(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
addProvider(OrgOrPerson) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
address() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
address(Address) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
Address - Class in hdi.model.orgperson
Address() - Constructor for class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
ADJUDICATION_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
ADJUSTED_REPRICED_REFERENCE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
Adjustment - Class in hdi.model.payment
Adjustment() - Constructor for class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
AdjustmentGroup - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
AdjustmentHolder - Class in hdi.model.payment
AdjustmentHolder() - Constructor for class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentHolder
adjustments() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
adjustments() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
adjustments() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
adjustments() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
adjustQualifierBasedOnCode(EdiQualifier, String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
ADMISSION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
admissionDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionDateAndHour() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionDateAndHour(LocalDateTime) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionDateOrDateTime() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionSourceCode() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionSourceCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionTypeCode() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
admissionTypeCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
ADMITTING_PHYSICIAN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
age(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
allClaimLevelCodeEntities() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
allCodeEntities() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
allCodeEntities() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
allCodeEntities() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
ALLOWED_ACTUAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
allPaymentLevelCodeEntities() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
AmbulanceConditionCode - Enum Class in hdi.model.claim.ambulance
AmbulanceInfo - Class in hdi.model.claim.ambulance
AmbulanceInfo() - Constructor for class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceInfo
AmbulanceTransportReason - Enum Class in hdi.model.claim.ambulance
amount() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
amount() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
amount(BigDecimal) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
AmountType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
ASC - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
ASSISTANT_SURGEON - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
attemptToParseISA(Reader) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.IsaParser
attemptToParseISAV5andV4(Reader) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.IsaParser
ATTENDING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
ATTENDING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
AUTHORIZATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType


BCBS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
BIG_DEC - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
bigDecimalVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
BILLING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
BILLING_PROV_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
BILLING_PROVIDER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
BILLING_PROVIDER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
BILLING_PROVIDER_NAME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
billingNote() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
billingNote(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
billingProvider() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
billingProvider(OrgOrPerson) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
billingProviderSecondaryIdentifier() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
billingProviderSecondaryIdentifier(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
birthDate() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
birthDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
BOP - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
BUSINESS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType


CADAVER_DONOR - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
CANADIAN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
categories() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
categories() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
categories(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
CategoriesRenderingInfo - Record Class in hdi.codeent
CategoriesRenderingInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Creates an instance of a CategoriesRenderingInfo record class.
category() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
category() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
category(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
CHARGEABLE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
chargeAmount() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
chargeAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
chargeAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
chargeAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
CHECK - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
checkTimestamp() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
checkTimestamp(LocalDateTime) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
CHILD - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
childSegs() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
childSegs(List<EdiSeg>) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
city() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
city(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
cityStateZipString() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
Claim - Class in hdi.model.claim
Claim() - Constructor for class hdi.model.claim.Claim
CLAIM - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
CLAIM - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
CLAIM_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
CLAIM_PROVIDERS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
claimCount() - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Returns the value of the claimCount record component.
claimFilingIndicatorCode() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
claimFilingIndicatorCode() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
claimFilingIndicatorCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
claimFilingIndicatorCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
claimFillingIndicatorCode() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
claimFillingIndicatorCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
claimNote() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
claimNote(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
ClaimOrPayment - Class in hdi.model
ClaimOrPayment() - Constructor for class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
ClaimPaymentContainer - Class in hdi.model
Contains claims, payments and segments returned by parinsg API
ClaimPaymentContainer() - Constructor for class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts - Record Class in hdi.model
claimReceivedDate() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
claims() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
claims() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
claimStatus() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
ClaimStatus - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
claimTransaction() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
claimTransaction(ClaimTransaction) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
claimTransactions() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
CLASS_OF_CONTRACT_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
classesToStrings(Collection<Class<?>>) - Static method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
CLASSIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
cleanupCode(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
clear() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
CLEARINGHOUSE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
clearinghouseTraceNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
clearinghouseTraceNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
CMS_PLAN_ID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
code() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
code() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
code() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
code() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
code() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
code() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
code() - Method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
code(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
CODE_ENTITY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
CODE_ENTITY_LIST - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
codeAndDescription() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
codeAndType() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
codeEntity() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
codeEntity() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
codeEntity(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
codeEntity(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
CodeEntity - Class in hdi.codeent
CodeEntity() - Constructor for class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
CodeEntity(PrimaryCodeType, EdiQualifier, String) - Constructor for class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
CodeEntity(EdiQualifier, String) - Constructor for class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
codeEntityConsumer() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
codeEntityConsumer(Consumer<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
codeEntityHolder() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
codeEnts() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
codeSource() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
codeTypeAndDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
COINSURED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
COMMERCIAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
communicationNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
communicationNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
compareByName(Elt, Elt) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
compareByVal(Elt, Elt) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
COMPLEX - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
componentElementSeparator() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
this field provides the delimiter used to separate component data elements within a composite data structure : is usually the default
CONDITION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
conditions() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
conditions(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
CONFINED_TO_BED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
contactName() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
contactName(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
CONTAINS_SUBORDINATES - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
containsCategory(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
containsCode(Function<ServiceLine, ?>) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
containsCodeEntity(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
containsEltsWithId() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
containsModifiers() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
containsQualifier(EdiQualifier) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
CONTRACTUAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
CONTROL_NUMBER_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiTransactionSeg
CORRECTED_INSURED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
CORRECTED_PATIENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
CORRECTION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
countryCode() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
countryCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
Counts() - Constructor for record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Counts(int, int, int) - Constructor for record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Creates an instance of a Counts record class.
COVERAGE_AMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
coverageExpirationDate() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
COVERED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
CPT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
createId(Object, String) - Static method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
createSearchWords() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
createTimestamp() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
CROSSOVER_CARRIER_NAME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
curTranEntities() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
curTransaction() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults


dataType() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
dataType(DataType) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
DataType - Enum Class in hdi.edi.parser
DataTypeCategory - Enum Class in hdi.edi.parser
DATE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
DATE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
DATE_INTERVAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
DATE_OR_TIME_OR_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
DATE_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
DATE_TIME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
DATE_TIME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
DateFormatType - Enum Class in hdi.edi.qualifier
dateFrom() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
dateTimeVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
dateTo() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
DateType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
dateVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
DAYS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
DEDUCTION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
DEFAULT_EDI_SEPARATORS - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
DEMAND_DEPOSIT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.AccountNumberQualifier
demonstrationProjectIdentifier() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
demonstrationProjectIdentifier(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
DENIED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
DEPENDENT_HIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
desc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
desc() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AccountNumberQualifier
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
desc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
desc(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
descAndCode() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
descFromClaim() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
descFromClaim(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
description() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
description() - Method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
descriptionsForSelection() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
DfiQualifier - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
DIAGNOSIS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
diagPointers() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
diagPointersHolder() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
diagPointersHolder(ServiceLine.PointersHolder) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
diags() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
diags() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
diags(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
DiagType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
DISCHARGE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
dischargeDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
dischargeDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
dischargeTime() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
dischargeTime(LocalTime) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
doubleVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
DRG - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
DROP_OFF_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
drug() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
DRUG - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
DRUG_IDENTIFICATION_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
DrugIdentificationType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
drugQuantity() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
drugQuantity() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
drugQuantity(Integer) - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
DrugQuantity - Class in hdi.model
DrugQuantity() - Constructor for class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder - Class in hdi.model
drugUnitType() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine


EDI_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiDateUtils
EDI_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiDateUtils
ediBuf() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
ediBuf(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
EdiDateUtils - Class in hdi.edi.parser
ediDelim() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ediDelim(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ediEntities() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
EdiParser - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EdiParser(File) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParser
EdiParser(Reader) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParser
EdiParsingResults - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EdiParsingResults(FileInfo) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
EdiQualifier - Interface in hdi.edi.qualifier
EdiSeg - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EdiSeg(EdiSeg) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
EdiSeg(String, SegmentType, String) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
EdiSeg(String, String) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
ediSeparators() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
ediSeparators(EdiSeparators) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
EdiSeparators - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EdiSeparators(EdiSeparators) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
EdiSeparators(String, String, String) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
ediString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ediTransactions() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
EdiTransactionSeg - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EdiTransactionSeg(EdiSegment, boolean, EdiParsingResults) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EdiTransactionSeg
editsHolder() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
editsHolder(CodeEditRule) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
ediValue() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AccountNumberQualifier
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
ediValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
EIGHT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
EIN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
EIN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
elementSeparator() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
ELEVEN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
elt() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
elt(Elt) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
Elt - Class in hdi.edi.parser
A named EDI element.
Elt() - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
Elt(String, Elt) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ELT_SET - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
eltByIndex(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
eltByName(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
eltByName(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
eltByPosition(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
eltByPosition(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
EltFormatter - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EltFormatter() - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EltFormatter
elts() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
eltSet() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
eltSet() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
eltSet() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
eltSet(EltSet) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
eltSet(EltSet) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
EltSet - Class in hdi.edi.parser
EltSet(EdiSeg) - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
eltSets() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
eltVal(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
eltVal(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
EMERGENCY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
EMERGENCY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
EMPLOYEE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
EMPLOYEE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
EMPLOYEE_NAME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
EMPLOYER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
endDate() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
endDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
entity() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
entity(EdiEntity) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
entityFactory() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
entityRole() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
entityRole(EntityRole) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
EntityRole - Enum Class in hdi.model.orgperson
entityType() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
entityType(EntityType) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
EntityType - Enum Class in hdi.model.orgperson
enumNameToNameWithDashes(String) - Static method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
enumsToVals(Collection<? extends Enum<?>>) - Static method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
EPO - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
equals(Object) - Method in record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiTransactionSeg
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
equals(Object) - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
equals(Object) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
ER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ETIN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType


FACILITY_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
FACILITY_TYPE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
facilityCode() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
facilityTaxAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
FAMILY_MEMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
FEMALE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
fileInfo() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
fileName() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
fileName(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
fileNameFragment() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
findChildSegs(SegmentType...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
findClaimProvider(EntityRole, ClaimTransaction) - Static method in class hdi.model.ProvidersUtils
findClaimProviders(EntityRole, ClaimTransaction) - Static method in class hdi.model.ProvidersUtils
findEntitiesForClass(EdiParsingResults, Class<T>) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findFirstSegByName(String...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findFirstSegByType(SegmentType...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findFirstSegByTypeAndQualifier(SegmentType, EdiQualifier) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findLineOrClaimProvider(EntityRole, ServiceLine, ClaimTransaction) - Static method in class hdi.model.ProvidersUtils
findLineProvider(EntityRole, ServiceLine) - Static method in class hdi.model.ProvidersUtils
findOrgOrPersonEntities(EntityRole) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findRenderingOrAttending() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
findSegsByLoopAndType(String, SegmentType...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findSegsByType(SegmentType...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
findTranEntitiesForClass(EdiParsingResults, Class<T>) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
firstName() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
firstName(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
FIVE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
flatSegList() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
FLOAT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
floatVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
formatEltVal(Elt) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltFormatter
formattedCode() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
formattedCode() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
formattedCode(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
FormattedElt - Class in hdi.edi.parser
FormattedElt() - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
FOUR - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
FREQUENCY_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
FREQUENCY_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
frequencyCode() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
friendlyIdType() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
friendlyName() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
friendlyName() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
fromCode(TransactionType, String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AccountNumberQualifier
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
fromEdi(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
fromElt(Elt, String, EltSet) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
fromEltHolder(EltSet, EltValHolder, EdiQualifier) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
fromEltSet(String, EltSet) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
fromFile(File) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
fromLegacySegment(EdiSeg, EdiSegment) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
fromParsingResults(EdiParsingResults, Boolean) - Static method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
fromSimpleVal(EltSet, String, Object, EdiQualifier) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
fromSimpleVal(String, Object) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
fullDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
fullDesc(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
fullDescOrDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
fullName() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
FWT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType


gender() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
gender(GenderType) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
GenderType - Enum Class in hdi.model.orgperson
getCategoriesRenderingInfo() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
getCounts() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
getEdiSeparatorsForRendering() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
getIdAndNameAndRoleDesc() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
getPrincipalDiagnosis() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
getRawValue() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
getRepeating(Collection<String>) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
GRAM - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
group() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
group() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
group(AdjustmentGroup) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
GROUP_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
GROUP_OR_POLICY_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
GroupedAdjustments - Class in hdi.model.payment
GroupedAdjustments() - Constructor for class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
GROUPING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
groupName() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
groupOrPolicyNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber


hashCode() - Method in record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiTransactionSeg
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
hashCode() - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
hashCode() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
HCPCS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
HCPCS_ADD - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
HCPCS_MODIFIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
HCPCS_PRINCIPAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
hdi.codeent - package hdi.codeent
hdi.edi.parser - package hdi.edi.parser
hdi.edi.qualifier - package hdi.edi.qualifier
hdi.model - package hdi.model
hdi.model.claim - package hdi.model.claim
hdi.model.claim.ambulance - package hdi.model.claim.ambulance
hdi.model.enumtype - package hdi.model.enumtype
hdi.model.orgperson - package hdi.model.orgperson
hdi.model.patientsubscriber - package hdi.model.patientsubscriber
hdi.model.payment - package hdi.model.payment
header() - Method in record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Returns the value of the header record component.
header() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
HEALTH_INDUSTRY_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
HEALTHCARE_POLICY_IDENTIFICATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
healthcarePolicyId() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
HEMORR - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
HIEC - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
HierarchicalChildType - Enum Class in hdi.edi.qualifier
HierarchicalLevelType - Enum Class in hdi.edi.qualifier
HIPPS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
HMO - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
HMO_MEDICARE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
HOME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
HOSPICE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
HOSPITAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode


ICD_10 - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
ICD_10_ADMITTING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
ICD_10_EXTERNAL_CAUSE_OF_INJURY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
ICD_10_PCS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ICD_10_PCS_PRINCIPAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ICD_10_PRINCIPAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
ICD_10_REASON_FOR_VISIT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
ICD_9_PCS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
ICD_9_PCS_PRINCIPAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
id() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
id() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
id() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
id() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
id(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
identificationType() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
identificationType(IdentificationType) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
IdentificationType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
identifier() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
identifier(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
idLabel() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
idName() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
idName(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
idNameRole() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
idNameRole(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
INDEMNITY_INSURANCE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
index() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
index() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
index() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
index() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
index(int) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
index(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
index(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
index(int) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
indexWithinTran() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
indexWithinTran(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
INDIVIDUAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
INFO_SOURCE_HIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
INITIAL_TREATMENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
initialTreatmentDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
initialTreatmentDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
INPATIENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
instCodes() - Method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
instructionDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
instructionDesc(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
INSURANCE_POLICY_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
insurancePlanType() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
insurancePlanType() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
InsurancePlanType - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
INSURED_SUBSCRIBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
INT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
INTERNATIONAL_UNIT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
intVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
InvalidEdiException - Exception Class in hdi.edi.parser
InvalidEdiException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception class hdi.edi.parser.InvalidEdiException
InvalidEdiException(String, Throwable, Object...) - Constructor for exception class hdi.edi.parser.InvalidEdiException
InvalidEdiException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class hdi.edi.parser.InvalidEdiException
IS_DERIVED_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ISA_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.IsaParser
ISA_V5_SAMPLE - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.IsaParser
IsaParser - Class in hdi.edi.parser
IsaParser() - Constructor for class hdi.edi.parser.IsaParser
isArray() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isClaim() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isCurrency() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isCurrency(boolean) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isDerived() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isDerived(boolean) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isDone() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
isEmpty() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
isFixedWidth() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isFixedWidth() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isFixedWidth(boolean) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isInLoop(String...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isInType(SegmentType...) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isLineLevel() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isLoop() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isLoopParent() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isLoopParent(boolean) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isMedicalCode() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
isMedicalCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
isMedicalCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
isMedicalCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
isMedicalCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
isMedicalCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
isMedicalCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
isModifiersAllowed() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isModifiersAllowed(Boolean) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isNotLoadedDataSet(EdiQualifier) - Static method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isOriginalClaim() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
isParent() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isParent(boolean) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isPrefix() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
isPresentOnAdmission() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isProvider() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
isRawValue() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isSameCode(CodeEntity, CodeEntity) - Static method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isSameLoop(EdiSeg) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isSimple() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
isSubscriber() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
issues() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
issuingOrg() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
issuingOrg(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isUnknown() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
isUnknownCode() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
isWithoutDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity


label() - Method in record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Returns the value of the label record component.
LAST_MENSTRUAL_PERIOD - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
LAST_SEEN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
LAST_X_RAY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
lastMenstrualPeriodDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lastMenstrualPeriodDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lastNameOrOrgName() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
lastNameOrOrgName(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
lastSeenDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lastSeenDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lastXRayDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lastXRayDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
LIFE_PARTNER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
line() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
line() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
line(ServiceLine) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
line(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
LINE_PREFIX - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
line2() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
line2(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
lineCount() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
lineCount() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lineCount() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
lineCount(int) - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
lineCount(int) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
lineCount(int) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
lineNote() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
lines() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
LINK_SEQUENCE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
LIST - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
localDateFromStr(String) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiDateUtils
localDateTimeFromStr(String) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiDateUtils
localTimeFromStr(String) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiDateUtils
LOCATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
longDesc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
longDesc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
longDesc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
loop() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
loop(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
loopNumber() - Method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
LoopType - Enum Class in hdi.edi.parser
loopTypeName() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg


MALE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
mapFromEdi(List<Elt>) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
mapper - Static variable in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
mapper - Static variable in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
mapper - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
mapper - Static variable in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
mapper - Static variable in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
MEDICAID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
MEDICAID_PROVIDER_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
MEDICAL_RECORD_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
MEDICALLY_NECESSARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
medicalRecordNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
medicalRecordNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
MEDICARE_A - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
MEDICARE_B - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
MEDICARE_PROVIDER_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
MEDICARE_VERSION_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
MEMBER_ID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
MEMBER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
merge(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
middleName() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
middleName(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
MILES - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
MILLIGRAM - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
MILLILITER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
MINUTES - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
MISC_TAX - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
MODIFIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
modifierCodes() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
modifiers() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
modifiers(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
ModifierType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
MONTH - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
MUTUALLY_DEFINED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType


NAIC_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
name() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
name() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
name() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
name() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
name(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
name(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
nameAndRelationship() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
NCPDP_PHARMACY_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
NCPDP_SEPARATORS - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
ncpdpCode() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
ncpdpId() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ncpdpId(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
ncpdpValue() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
NDC - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
NEAREST_FACILITY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
NINE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
NO_SUBORDINATES - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
NON_COVERED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
NON_COVERED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
nonCoveredAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
nonCoveredAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
nonInstitutionalClaimTypeCode() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
nonInstitutionalClaimTypeCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
normalize(String) - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
NormalizedCodeEntity - Class in hdi.codeent
NormalizedCodeEntity() - Constructor for class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
NormalizedCodeEntity(CodeEntity) - Constructor for class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
normalizeUbCode(String, int) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
NOT_OUR_CLAIM - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
NOTIFICATION_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
NPI - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
NUM_DECIMAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
NURSING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType


OBJ - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
objId() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
objId(ObjectId) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
OCCURRENCE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
OCCURRENCE_SPAN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
occurrenceDate() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
occurrenceDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
occurrenceEndDate() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
occurrenceEndDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
occurrences() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
occurrences(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
occurrenceSpans() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
occurrenceSpans(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
OFFICE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
ONSET_OF_CURRENT_ILLNESS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
onsetOfCurrentIllnessOrInjuryDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
onsetOfCurrentIllnessOrInjuryDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
OPERATING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
ORDERING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
ORGAN_DONOR - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
OrgOrPerson - Class in hdi.model.orgperson
OrgOrPerson() - Constructor for class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
ORIGINAL_REFERENCE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
originalReferenceNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
originalReferenceNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
OTHER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
OTHER_NON_FEDERAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
OTHER_OPERATING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
OTHER_SUBSCRIBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
OTHER_SUBSCRIBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
OTHER_SUBSCRIBER_CHILD_LOOP_PREFIX - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
OTHER_SUBSCRIBER_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
OTHER_SUBSCRIBER_NAME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
OTHER_SUBSCRIBER_NAME_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
otherClaimRelatedIds() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
otherSubscribers() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
otherSubscribers() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
otherSubscribers(List<PatientSubscriber>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
OUTPATIENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
OWED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
ownerIdHolder() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
ownerIdHolder(OwnerIdHolder) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg


PAID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
PAID_FOR_THIS_FACILITY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
paidAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
paidDate() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
paidDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
parentElt() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
parentElt(Elt) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
parentIndex() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
parentIndex(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
parentObjId() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
parentObjId(ObjectId) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
parentSeg() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
parentSeg() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
parentSeg(EdiSeg) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
parse() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParser
parse(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParser
parse(int, boolean) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParser
parsingProblems() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
patient() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
PATIENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
PATIENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
PATIENT_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
PATIENT_NAME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
PATIENT_NAME_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
PATIENT_PAID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
PATIENT_RESP - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
PATIENT_RESPONSIBILITY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
patientControlNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
patientDeathDate() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
patientPaidAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
patientResponsibilityAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
PATIENTS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
patientStatusCode() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
patientStatusCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
PatientSubscriber - Class in hdi.model.patientsubscriber
PatientSubscriber() - Constructor for class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
PAY_TO_PROVIDER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
payee() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
PAYEE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
PAYEE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
payer() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
payer() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
PAYER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
PAYER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
PAYER_PAID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
payerControlNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
payerPaidAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
payerResponsibilitySequence() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
PayerRespSequenceType - Enum Class in hdi.model.patientsubscriber
payerSecondaryIdentifier() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
payerSecondaryIdentifier(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
Payment - Class in hdi.model.payment
Payment() - Constructor for class hdi.model.payment.Payment
PAYMENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
PAYMENT_AND_ADVICE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
PAYMENT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
paymentAmount() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
paymentAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
paymentAmount(BigDecimal) - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
paymentCount() - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Returns the value of the paymentCount record component.
PaymentMethodType - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
payments() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
payments() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
PAYOR_ID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
PAYOR_INITIATED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
peerReviewAuthorizationNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
peerReviewAuthorizationNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
PERFORMING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
person() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
person(OrgOrPerson) - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
PHARMACY_PRESCRIPTION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
PHYSICIAN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
PICKUP_ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
placeOfServiceCode() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
placeOfServiceCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
placeOfServiceType() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
placeOfServiceType() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
PlaceOfServiceType - Enum Class in hdi.model
populate(Address) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
populateFromSeg(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
populateFromSeg(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
populateFromSeg(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
populateFromSegInitial(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
populateFromSegMaster(EdiSeg, EdiParsingResults) - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
POS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
position() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
position(int) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
POSITION_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
POSTAGE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
POUND - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
PPO - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
PREDETERMINATION_NO_PAYMENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
PREDETERMINATION_OF_BENEFITS_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
prepDerived() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
prepForApi() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
prepForPersistence() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
prepForPersistence() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
prepForPersistence() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
prepSearchWords() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
PRESCRIPTION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
prescriptionNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
presentOnAdmissionIndicator() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
presentOnAdmissionIndicator(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
presentOnAdmissionIndicatorAsYesNo() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
PRIMARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
PRIMARY_CARE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
PRIMARY_FORWARDED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
primaryCodeType() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
PrimaryCodeType - Enum Class in hdi.codeent
PRIOR_AUTHORIZATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
priorAuthorizationNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
priorAuthorizationNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
procCodeEntities() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
procedure() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
PROCEDURE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
procs() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
procs(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
ProcType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
profCodes() - Method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
PROVIDER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
PROVIDER_COMMERCIAL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
PROVIDER_CONTROL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
PROVIDER_CONTROL_NUMBER_2 - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
PROVIDER_TAXONOMY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
PROVIDER_TAXONOMY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
PROVIDER_UPIN_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
providers() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
providers() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
providers() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
providers() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
providers(Set<OrgOrPerson>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
ProvidersUtils - Class in hdi.model
ProvidersUtils() - Constructor for class hdi.model.ProvidersUtils
providerTaxonomy() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
providerTaxonomy(CodeEntity) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
ProviderTaxonomyType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
ProviderType - Enum Class in hdi.model.orgperson
PURCHASE_SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
PURCHASED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole


qualifier() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
QUALIFIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
QualifierResolver - Class in hdi.edi.qualifier
QualifierResolver() - Constructor for class hdi.edi.qualifier.QualifierResolver
qualifierShortType() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
qualifierType() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
qualityScore() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
quantity() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
QuantityType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype


RAW_EDI_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
RAW_VALUE_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
rawEdiString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
rawEdiString(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
rawElts() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
rawString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
rawStringWithSegID() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
RBCS_CATEGORY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
RBCS_FAMILY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
RBCS_SUB_CATEGORY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
RBCS_TAXONOMY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
RbcsCategoryType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
reasonCode() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
RECEIVED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
RECEIVER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
RECEIVER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
ReferenceType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
REFERRAL_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
referralNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
Referral number
referralNumber() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
referralNumber(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
Referral number
REFERRING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
REHAB - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
relationshipType() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
RelationshipType - Enum Class in hdi.model.patientsubscriber
remainingPatientLiabilityAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
remainingPatientLiabilityAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
remarkCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
remarkCodes() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
REMITTANCE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
RENDERING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
repetitionSeparator() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
this field provides the delimiter used to separate repeated occurrences of a simple data element or a composite data structure; this value must be different from the data element separator, component element separator, and the segment terminator Not sure how or when it is used
repetitionSeparator(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
this field provides the delimiter used to separate repeated occurrences of a simple data element or a composite data structure; this value must be different from the data element separator, component element separator, and the segment terminator Not sure how or when it is used
REPORTING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
REPRICED_CLAIM_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
REPRICED_REFERENCE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
RESIDENTIAL_FACILITY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
resolveEnums(EdiSeg, String, Object) - Method in class hdi.edi.qualifier.QualifierResolver
RESTRAINED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
RETURNED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
REVENUE_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
revenueCode() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
REVERSAL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus


searchWords() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
searchWords() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
searchWords() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
searchWords(Set<String>) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
searchWords(Set<String>) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
SECONDARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
SECONDARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
SECONDARY_FORWARDED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
seg() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
seg() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
seg() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
seg(EdiSeg) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
segCount() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
segments() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
segmentTerminator() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
segmentTerminatorToRender() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
segs() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
SELF - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
SERVICE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
SERVICE_FACILITY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
SERVICE_PAYMENT_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
SERVICE_PERIOD_END - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
SERVICE_PERIOD_END - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
SERVICE_PERIOD_START - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
SERVICE_PERIOD_START - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
SERVICE_TAX - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
serviceCode() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
serviceDateFrom() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
serviceDateFrom() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
serviceDates() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
serviceDateTo() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
serviceDateTo() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
ServiceLine - Class in hdi.model
ServiceLine() - Constructor for class hdi.model.ServiceLine
serviceProvider() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
serviceTaxAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
SEVEN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
shortDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
shortDesc() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
shortDesc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
shortDesc(String) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
shortDescOrDesc() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
shortDescription() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
SIX - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
SNF - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
sourceClaimId() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
sourceClaimId(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
sourceClaimVersionId() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
sourceClaimVersionId(String) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
sourceLineId() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
SPECIAL_NAME_SUFFIX_DELIM - Static variable in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
SPECIALIST - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
SPECIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
SPOUSE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
SSN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
SSN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
STANDARD_HEALTH_ID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
STANDARD_UNIQUE_HEALTH_IDENTIFIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
startDate() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
startDate(LocalDate) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
STATE_LICENSE_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
stateCode() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
stateCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
STATEMENT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
statementDateFrom() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
statementDateTo() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
STR - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
STRETCHER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
STRING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
stringType() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
stringVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
SUB_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
SUBMITTER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
SUBMITTER_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
SUBROGATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
subscriber() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
subscriber() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
subscriber(PatientSubscriber) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
SUBSCRIBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
SUBSCRIBER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
SUBSCRIBER_HIER - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
SUBSCRIBER_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
SUBSCRIBER_NAME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
SUBSCRIBER_NAME_LOOP - Static variable in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
subType() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
subType() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
subType(EdiQualifier) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
summaryString() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
summaryString() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
summaryStringAsParent() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
summaryStringAsParent() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
SUPERVISING - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
supplementalAmounts() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
supplementalAmounts() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
supplementalQuantities() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
supplementalQuantities() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine


tags() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
tags(Set<String>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
TAX - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
TAX_ID - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
taxId() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
taxId(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
taxonomyCode() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
taxonomyCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
TELE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
TEN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
TERTIARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
TERTIARY - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
TERTIARY_FORWARDED - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
thirdPartyNote() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
TIME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
TIME - Enum constant in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
timeVal() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
toFormattedString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
toFormattedString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
toFormattedStringWithChildren() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
toFormattedStringWithChildren(List<EdiSeg>) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
toJsonNode() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
toNameAndIndexString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
toNameAndIndexString(Elt) - Static method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
toString() - Method in record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
toString() - Method in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
toString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
toString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeparators
toString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
toString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EltSet
toString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
toString() - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.OrgOrPerson
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Adjustment
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.GroupedAdjustments
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.payment.Payment
toString() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
toSummaryString() - Method in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
totalLinesChargeAmount() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
totalSize() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
tranCount() - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts
Returns the value of the tranCount record component.
tranCount() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer
transaction() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
transaction(EdiTransaction) - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
TransactionHandlingCode - Enum Class in hdi.model.payment
TransactionSetType - Enum Class in hdi.edi.qualifier
transactionType() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiTransactionSeg
transactionType() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
transactionType(TransactionType) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiTransactionSeg
transactionType(TransactionType) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
type() - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
type() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg
type(PrimaryCodeType) - Method in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
TYPE_NAME - Static variable in class hdi.codeent.CodeEntity
TYPE_OF_BILL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
typeAsString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiSeg


UB_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UB_LONG_DESC - Static variable in interface hdi.edi.qualifier.EdiQualifier
UB04_CONDITION_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UB04_OCCURRENCE_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UB04_OCCURRENCE_SPAN_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UB04_REVENUE_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UB04_TYPE_OF_BILL - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UB04_VALUE_CODE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
UbCodeType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
UNCONSCIOUS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
UNIT - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
unitCount() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
unitLabel(UnitType, Integer) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
UNITS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
unitType() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder
unitType() - Method in class hdi.model.ServiceLine
unitType(UnitType) - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder
UnitType - Enum Class in hdi.model.enumtype
unitTypeHolder() - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
unitTypeHolder(DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder) - Method in class hdi.model.DrugQuantity
UnitTypeHolder() - Constructor for class hdi.model.DrugQuantity.UnitTypeHolder
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
UNKNOWN_CODE_DESC - Static variable in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
UNKNOWN_CODE_DESC_WORDS - Static variable in class hdi.codeent.NormalizedCodeEntity
unknownSegCount() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
unknownSegTypes() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.EdiParsingResults
updateTimestamp() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
URGENT_CARE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
UTILIZATION_MANAGEMENT_ORGANIZATION - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole


val() - Method in record class hdi.codeent.CategoriesRenderingInfo
Returns the value of the val record component.
val() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
valAsStr() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.Elt
valAsString() - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
valAsString(String) - Method in class hdi.edi.parser.FormattedElt
VALUE - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
valueInfos() - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
valueInfos(List<CodeEntity>) - Method in class hdi.model.claim.Claim
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AccountNumberQualifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.codeent.PrimaryCodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.DataTypeCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.parser.LoopType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.DateFormatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalChildType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.HierarchicalLevelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.edi.qualifier.TransactionSetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceConditionCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.claim.ambulance.AmbulanceTransportReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.AmountType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ClaimOrEncounterIdentifierType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DiagType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.DrugIdentificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.IdentificationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ModifierType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProcType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ProviderTaxonomyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.RbcsCategoryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.ReferenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UbCodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.UnitType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.GenderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.ProviderType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PayerRespSequenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.RelationshipType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AccountNumberQualifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.AdjustmentGroup
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.ClaimStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.DfiQualifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.InsurancePlanType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.PaymentMethodType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.payment.TransactionHandlingCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class hdi.model.PlaceOfServiceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
verShortDesc() - Method in enum class hdi.model.orgperson.EntityRole
VISITS - Enum constant in enum class hdi.model.enumtype.QuantityType


weight() - Method in class hdi.model.patientsubscriber.PatientSubscriber
withCounts(ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts) - Method in record class hdi.model.ClaimPaymentContainer.Counts


yearMonthPeriod() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment
yearPeriod() - Method in class hdi.model.ClaimOrPayment


zipCode() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
zipCode(String) - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
zipFive() - Method in class hdi.model.orgperson.Address
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