Download OpenAPI specification:Download
EDI Converter API for converting/parsing 835, 837 and other healthcare EDI and NCPDP telecom transactions to JSON or CSV. Also supports healthcare code lookup.
{- "version": "2.10",
- "buildDateTime": "2024-11-26T12:23:10.875",
- "licenseInfo": {
- "expiration": "2025-11-21",
- "entitlements": [
- "EDI"
], - "isSignatureValid": true,
- "licenseFile": "/./etc/edi-license.bin",
- "expired": false
Converts X12 EDI input to CSV. You can post the EDI file's content as text or use multi-part request to upload files.
See Python and curl examples in our GitHub repo.
See also introduction to the CSV conversion API here.
For more output examples, navigate to our EDI resource center, select any file, and click "Export/CSV".
Converts X12 EDI input into comma-separated (CSV) flat file format. EDI can be posted as text in the body of the request or uploaded using multi-part/form-data request.
The output is streamed as the input is parsed.
See data dictionary for more details about the response schema, including mapping to X12 EDI elements.
schemaFileName | string Default: "csv_conversion.yaml" Name of the file containing the CSV conversion schemas. See this document for more details. |
schemaName | string Default: "lines-with-header-repeat-first-row" Name of the 'schema' (configuration) for CSV conversion in the CSV schema file. See this document for more details. |
chunkSize | integer <int32> Default: 200 How many claims or payments to parse at a time |
files required | Array of strings <binary> [ items <binary > ] |
# Post EDI as text curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \ --data-binary @../edi_files/835/835.edi \ $API_URL/edi/csv # Upload EDI files using multipart request curl -F files=@"../edi_files/837/837-1.dat" -F files=@"../edi_files/837/837-2.dat" \ $API_URL/edi/csv
Id,TransactionType,FileName,TransactionControlNumber,PatientControlNumber,ClaimStatus,ChargeAmount,PaymentAmount,PatientResponsibilityAmount,ClaimFilingIndicatorCode,PayerControlNumber,FacilityTypeCode,FrequencyTypeCode,TotalPaymentAmount,CreditOrDebitFlagCode,PaymentMethodType,ReceiverAccountNumber,PaymentDate,CheckOrEftTraceNumber,PayerEin,ProductionDate,TotalAdjAmount,Adj1Group,Adj1ReasonCode,Adj1Amount,Adj1Quantity,Adj2Group,Adj2ReasonCode,Adj2Amount,Adj2Quantity,Adj3Group,Adj3ReasonCode,Adj3Amount,Adj3Quantity,Adj4Group,Adj4ReasonCode,Adj4Amount,Adj4Quantity,Adj5Group,Adj5ReasonCode,Adj5Amount,Adj5Quantity,PayerIdentificationType,PayerIdentifier,PayerName,PayerAddressLine,PayerAddressLine2,PayerAddressCity,PayerAddressStateCode,PayerAddressZipCode,PayerContact1Name,PayerContact1ContactNumber1Type,PayerContact1ContactNumber1Number,PayerContact1ContactNumber2Type,PayerContact1ContactNumber2Number,PayerContact2Name,PayerContact2ContactNumber1Type,PayerContact2ContactNumber1Number,PayerContact2ContactNumber2Type,PayerContact2ContactNumber2Number,PayerAdditionalId1Type,PayerAdditionalId1Identification,PayerAdditionalId2Type,PayerAdditionalId2Identification,PayeeIdentificationType,PayeeIdentifier,PayeeLastNameOrOrgName,PayeeAddressLine,PayeeAddressLine2,PayeeAddressCity,PayeeAddressStateCode,PayeeAddressZipCode,PayeeContacts,PayeeAdditionalId1Type,PayeeAdditionalId1Identification,PayeeAdditionalId2Type,PayeeAdditionalId2Identification,PatientIdentificationType,PatientIdentifier,PatientLastName,PatientFirstName,PatientMiddleName,SubscriberIdentificationType,SubscriberIdentifier,SubscriberLastName,SubscriberFirstName,SubscriberMiddleName,CorrectedPatientIdentificationType,CorrectedPatientIdentifier,CorrectedPatientLastName,CorrectedPatientFirstName,CorrectedPatientMiddleName,ServiceProviderIdentificationType,ServiceProviderIdentifier,ServiceProviderLastNameOrOrgName,ServiceProviderFirstName,ServiceProviderMiddleName,ServiceProviderContacts,ServiceProviderAdditionalId1Type,ServiceProviderAdditionalId1Identification,ServiceProviderAdditionalId2Type,ServiceProviderAdditionalId2Identification,CrossoverCarrierIdentificationType,CrossoverCarrierIdentifier,CrossoverCarrierName,CorrectedPayerIdentificationType,CorrectedPayerIdentifier,CorrectedPayerName,OtherSubscriberIdentificationType,OtherSubscriberIdentifier,OtherSubscriberLastName,OtherSubscriberFirstName,OtherSubscriberMiddleName,OtherClaimRelatedId1Type,OtherClaimRelatedId1Identification,OtherClaimRelatedId2Type,OtherClaimRelatedId2Identification,ServiceDateFrom,ServiceDateTo,StatementDateFrom,StatementDateTo,CoverageExpirationDate,ClaimReceivedDate,CoverageAmount,SupplementalAmt1Type,SupplementalAmt1Amount,SupplementalAmt2Type,SupplementalAmt2Amount,SupplementalQty1Type,SupplementalQty1Quantity,SupplementalQty2Type,SupplementalQty2Quantity,LineControlNumber,LineProcedureCode,LineProcedureModifier1Code,LineProcedureModifier2Code,LineProcedureModifier3Code,LineChargeAmount,LinePaidAmount,LineRevenueCode,LineUnitCount,LineOriginalProcedureCode,LineOriginalProcedureModifier1Code,LineOriginalProcedureModifier2Code,LineOriginalProcedureModifier3Code,LineOriginalUnitCount,LineServiceDateFrom,LineServiceDateTo,LineTotalAdjAmount,LineAdj1Group,LineAdj1ReasonCode,LineAdj1Amount,LineAdj1Quantity,LineAdj2Group,LineAdj2ReasonCode,LineAdj2Amount,LineAdj2Quantity,LineAdj3Group,LineAdj3ReasonCode,LineAdj3Amount,LineAdj3Quantity,LineAdj4Group,LineAdj4ReasonCode,LineAdj4Amount,LineAdj4Quantity,LineAdj5Group,LineAdj5ReasonCode,LineAdj5Amount,LineAdj5Quantity,LineServiceId1Type,LineServiceId1Identification,LineServiceId2Type,LineServiceId2Identification,LineServiceId3Type,LineServiceId3Identification,LineHealthcarePolicyId,LineRenderingProviderId1Type,LineRenderingProviderId1Identification,LineRenderingProviderId2Type,LineRenderingProviderId2Identification,LineAllowedAmount,LineSupplementalAmt1Type,LineSupplementalAmt1Amount,LineSupplementalAmt2Type,LineSupplementalAmt2Amount,LineSupplementalQty1Type,LineSupplementalQty1Quantity,LineSupplementalQty2Type,LineSupplementalQty2Quantity,LineRemarkCode1,LineRemarkCode2,LineRemarkCode3,LineRemarkCode4,LineRemarkCode5 67296b98b38d5a00b592c91d,835,not_covered_inpatient.dat,10060875,PATACCT,PRIMARY,40000,8000,,MC,CLAIMNUMBER,,1,8000,C,CHECK,,2019-08-16,CK NUMBER 1,1234567890,2019-08-27,32259,CONTRACTUAL,197,2000,1,CONTRACTUAL,45,30000,,PATIENT_RESPONSIBILITY,132,259,,,,,,,,,,,,ANY PLAN USA,1 WALK THIS WAY,,ANYCITY,OH,45209,,PHONE,8661112222,,,EDI,PHONE,8002223333,EMAIL,EDI.SUPPORT@ANYPAYER.COM,,,,,NPI,1123454567,PROVIDER,2255 ANY ROAD,,ANY CITY,CA,12211,,,,,,MEMBER_ID,ABC123456789,DOE,JOHN,N,MEMBER_ID,ABC123456789,DOE,JOHN,N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2019-01-01,2019-01-05,2019-02-28,2019-02-09,38000,COVERAGE_AMOUNT,38000,,,COVERED,4,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 67296b99b38d5a00b592c949,835,dollars_data_separate.dat,112233,5554555444,PRIMARY,800,500,300,12,94060555410000,,1,1100,C,ACH,144444,2019-03-16,71700666555,1935665544,2019-03-14,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RUSHMORE LIFE,10 SOUTH AVENUET,,RAPID CITY,SD,55111,JOHN WAYNE,PHONE,8005551212,EXTENSION,123,,,,,,,,,,NPI,5544667733,ACME MEDICAL CENTER,,,,,,,,,,,MEMBER_ID,33344555510,BUDD,WILLIAM,,MEMBER_ID,33344555510,BUDD,WILLIAM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2023-03-01,2023-03-01,,,,,800,COVERAGE_AMOUNT,800,,,,,,,1,99211,,,,800,500,,1,,,,,,2023-03-01,2023-03-01,300,PATIENT_RESPONSIBILITY,1,300,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,800,ALLOWED_ACTUAL,800,,,,,,,,,,, 67296b99b38d5a00b592c94a,835,dollars_data_separate.dat,112233,8765432112,PRIMARY,1200,600,600,12,9407779923000,,1,1100,C,ACH,144444,2019-03-16,71700666555,1935665544,2019-03-14,600,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,RUSHMORE LIFE,10 SOUTH AVENUET,,RAPID CITY,SD,55111,JOHN WAYNE,PHONE,8005551212,EXTENSION,123,,,,,,,,,,NPI,5544667733,ACME MEDICAL CENTER,,,,,,,,,,,MEMBER_ID,44455666610,SETTLE,SUSAN,,MEMBER_ID,44455666610,SETTLE,SUSAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2023-03-10,2023-03-10,,,,,1200,COVERAGE_AMOUNT,1200,,,,,,,1,93555,,,,1200,600,,1,,,,,,2023-03-10,2023-03-10,600,PATIENT_RESPONSIBILITY,1,600,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1200,ALLOWED_ACTUAL,1200,,,,,,,,,,,
Converts (parses) X12 EDI input to JSON. You can post the EDI file's content as text or use multi-part request to upload files.
See Python and curl examples in our GitHub repo.
Intro to the schema of JSON response:
For more output examples, navigate to our EDI resource center, select any file, and click "Export/JSON".
Converts X12 EDI input to JSON. EDI can be posted as text in the body of the request or uploaded using multi-part/form-data request.
The response is a JSON array or NDJSON (new-line delimited JSON).
The output is streamed as the input is parsed.
See data dictionary for more details about the response schema, including mapping to X12 EDI elements.
ndjson | |
splitTran | boolean Default: false Parse by claim/payment as opposed to an entire transaction. Set it to 'true' for 837/835 transactions. Must be set to 'false' for all other transactions. |
descriptions | boolean Default: true Provide descriptions for all codes (ICD, CPT, NDC). Descriptions can increase the size of the response. This option defaults to true. |
files required | Array of strings <binary> [ items <binary > ] |
# Post EDI as text curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \ --data-binary @../edi_files/837/837.edi \ "$API_URL/edi/json?splitTran=true&ndjson=true" # Upload EDI files using multipart request curl -F files=@"../edi_files/837/837-1.dat" -F files=@"../edi_files/837/837-2.dat" \ "$API_URL/edi/json?splitTran=true&ndjson=true"
[- {
- "id": "6745e816c7af45182be32310",
- "objectType": "CLAIM",
- "patientControlNumber": "26463774",
- "chargeAmount": 100,
- "frequencyCode": {
- "subType": "FREQUENCY_CODE",
- "code": "1",
- "desc": "Original claim"
}, - "placeOfServiceType": "OFFICE",
- "serviceDateFrom": "2006-10-03",
- "serviceDateTo": "2006-10-10",
- "subscriber": {
- "payerResponsibilitySequence": "PRIMARY",
- "relationshipType": "SELF",
- "groupOrPolicyNumber": "2222-SJ",
- "claimFilingIndicatorCode": "CI",
- "insurancePlanType": "COMMERCIAL",
- "person": {
- "entityRole": "SUBSCRIBER",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "identificationType": "MEMBER_ID",
- "identifier": "JS00111223333",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "Smith",
- "firstName": "Jane",
- "birthDate": "1943-05-01",
- "gender": "FEMALE"
}, - "payer": {
- "entityRole": "PAYER",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "identificationType": "PAYOR_ID",
- "identifier": "999996666",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "KEY INSURANCE COMPANY",
- "additionalIds": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "G2",
- "identification": "KA6663"
}, - "patient": {
- "relationshipType": "CHILD",
- "person": {
- "entityRole": "PATIENT",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "Smith",
- "firstName": "Ted",
- "birthDate": "1973-05-01",
- "gender": "MALE",
- "address": {
- "line": "236 N MAIN ST",
- "city": "MIAMI",
- "stateCode": "FL",
- "zipCode": "33413"
}, - "clearinghouseTraceNumber": "17312345600006351",
- "billingProvider": {
- "entityRole": "BILLING_PROVIDER",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "identificationType": "NPI",
- "identifier": "9876543210",
- "taxId": "587654321",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "Ben Kildare Service",
- "address": {
- "line": "234 SEAWAY ST",
- "city": "MIAMI",
- "stateCode": "FL",
- "zipCode": "33111"
}, - "providerTaxonomy": {
- "code": "103G00000X",
- "desc": "Clinical Neuropsychologist"
}, - "diags": [
- {
- "subType": "ICD_10_PRINCIPAL",
- "code": "J020",
- "desc": "Streptococcal pharyngitis",
- "formattedCode": "J02.0"
}, - {
- "subType": "ICD_10",
- "code": "Z1159",
- "desc": "Encounter for screening for other viral diseases",
- "formattedCode": "Z11.59"
], - "serviceLines": [
- {
- "chargeAmount": 40,
- "serviceDateFrom": "2006-10-03",
- "unitType": "UNIT",
- "unitCount": 1,
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "CPT",
- "code": "99213",
- "desc": "Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and low level of medical decision making. When using total time on the date of the encounter for code selection, 20 minutes must be met or exceeded."
}, - "diagPointers": [
- 1
], - "diags": [
- {
- "subType": "ICD_10_PRINCIPAL",
- "code": "J020",
- "desc": "Streptococcal pharyngitis",
- "formattedCode": "J02.0"
}, - {
- "chargeAmount": 15,
- "serviceDateFrom": "2006-10-03",
- "unitType": "UNIT",
- "unitCount": 1,
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "CPT",
- "code": "87070",
- "desc": "Culture, bacterial; any other source except urine, blood or stool, aerobic, with isolation and presumptive identification of isolates"
}, - "diagPointers": [
- 1
], - "diags": [
- {
- "subType": "ICD_10_PRINCIPAL",
- "code": "J020",
- "desc": "Streptococcal pharyngitis",
- "formattedCode": "J02.0"
}, - {
- "chargeAmount": 35,
- "serviceDateFrom": "2006-10-10",
- "unitType": "UNIT",
- "unitCount": 1,
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "CPT",
- "code": "99214",
- "desc": "Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient, which requires a medically appropriate history and/or examination and moderate level of medical decision making. When using total time on the date of the encounter for code selection, 30 minutes must be met or exceeded."
}, - "diagPointers": [
- 2
], - "diags": [
- {
- "subType": "ICD_10",
- "code": "Z1159",
- "desc": "Encounter for screening for other viral diseases",
- "formattedCode": "Z11.59"
], - "transaction": {
- "id": "6745e809c7af45182be322e7",
- "controlNumber": "0021",
- "transactionType": "PROF",
- "originatorApplicationTransactionId": "244579",
- "creationDate": "2006-10-15",
- "creationTime": "10:23:00",
- "claimOrEncounterIdentifierType": "CHARGEABLE",
- "transactionSetIdentifierCode": "CLAIM",
- "implementationConventionReference": "005010X222",
- "fileInfo": {
- "fileType": "EDI"
}, - "sender": {
- "entityRole": "SUBMITTER",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "identificationType": "ETIN",
- "identifier": "TGJ23",
- "contacts": [
- {
- "name": "JERRY",
- "contactNumbers": [
- {
- "type": "PHONE",
- "number": "3055552222"
}, - {
- "type": "EXTENSION",
- "number": "231"
}, - "receiver": {
- "entityRole": "RECEIVER",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "identificationType": "ETIN",
- "identifier": "66783JJT",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "KEY INSURANCE COMPANY"
}, - "creationDateTime": "2006-10-15T10:23:00"
}, - {
- "id": "6749e7d2678cad02cb44c327",
- "objectType": "PAYMENT",
- "patientControlNumber": "7722337",
- "chargeAmount": 226,
- "paymentAmount": 132,
- "serviceDateFrom": "2019-03-24",
- "serviceDateTo": "2019-03-24",
- "patient": {
- "person": {
- "entityRole": "PATIENT",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "identificationType": "MEMBER_ID",
- "identifier": "SJD11111",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "DOE",
- "firstName": "SALLY"
}, - "claimStatusCode": "1",
- "claimStatus": "PRIMARY",
- "claimFilingIndicatorCode": "12",
- "insurancePlanType": "PPO",
- "payerControlNumber": "119932404007801",
- "supplementalAmounts": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "AU",
- "type": "COVERAGE_AMOUNT",
- "amount": 132
], - "payer": {
- "entityRole": "PAYER",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "DELTA DENTAL OF ABC",
- "address": {
- "line": "225 MAIN STREET",
- "city": "CENTERVILLE",
- "stateCode": "PA",
- "zipCode": "17111"
}, - "contacts": [
- {
- "name": "JANE DOE",
- "contactNumbers": [
- {
- "type": "PHONE",
- "number": "9005555555"
}, - "payee": {
- "entityRole": "PAYEE",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "identificationType": "EIN",
- "identifier": "999994703",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "BAN DDS LLC"
}, - "serviceProvider": {
- "entityRole": "RENDERING",
- "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
- "identificationType": "NPI",
- "identifier": "1811901945",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "BAN",
- "firstName": "ERIN"
}, - "serviceLines": [
- {
- "chargeAmount": 46,
- "paidAmount": 25,
- "supplementalAmounts": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "B6",
- "type": "ALLOWED_ACTUAL",
- "amount": 25
], - "serviceDateFrom": "2019-03-24",
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "ADA",
- "code": "D0120",
}, - "adjustments": [
- {
- "group": "CONTRACTUAL",
- "reasonCode": "131",
- "reason": {
- "subType": "CARC",
- "code": "131",
- "desc": "Claim specific negotiated discount."
}, - "amount": 21
}, - {
- "chargeAmount": 25,
- "paidAmount": 14,
- "supplementalAmounts": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "B6",
- "type": "ALLOWED_ACTUAL",
- "amount": 14
], - "serviceDateFrom": "2019-03-24",
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "ADA",
- "code": "D0220",
}, - "adjustments": [
- {
- "group": "CONTRACTUAL",
- "reasonCode": "131",
- "reason": {
- "subType": "CARC",
- "code": "131",
- "desc": "Claim specific negotiated discount."
}, - "amount": 11
}, - {
- "chargeAmount": 22,
- "paidAmount": 10,
- "supplementalAmounts": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "B6",
- "type": "ALLOWED_ACTUAL",
- "amount": 10
], - "serviceDateFrom": "2019-03-24",
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "ADA",
- "code": "D0230",
}, - "adjustments": [
- {
- "group": "CONTRACTUAL",
- "reasonCode": "131",
- "reason": {
- "subType": "CARC",
- "code": "131",
- "desc": "Claim specific negotiated discount."
}, - "amount": 12
}, - {
- "chargeAmount": 60,
- "paidAmount": 34,
- "supplementalAmounts": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "B6",
- "type": "ALLOWED_ACTUAL",
- "amount": 34
], - "serviceDateFrom": "2019-03-24",
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "ADA",
- "code": "D0274",
}, - "adjustments": [
- {
- "group": "CONTRACTUAL",
- "reasonCode": "131",
- "reason": {
- "subType": "CARC",
- "code": "131",
- "desc": "Claim specific negotiated discount."
}, - "amount": 26
}, - {
- "chargeAmount": 73,
- "paidAmount": 49,
- "supplementalAmounts": [
- {
- "qualifierCode": "B6",
- "type": "ALLOWED_ACTUAL",
- "amount": 49
], - "serviceDateFrom": "2019-03-24",
- "procedure": {
- "subType": "ADA",
- "code": "D1110",
}, - "adjustments": [
- {
- "group": "CONTRACTUAL",
- "reasonCode": "131",
- "reason": {
- "subType": "CARC",
- "code": "131",
- "desc": "Claim specific negotiated discount."
}, - "amount": 24
], - "transaction": {
- "id": "6749e7ce678cad02cb44c2ff",
- "controlNumber": "35681",
- "transactionType": "PAYMENT",
- "productionDate": "2019-03-14",
- "totalPaymentAmount": 132,
- "creditOrDebitFlagCode": "C",
- "paymentMethodType": "CHECK",
- "paymentDate": "2019-03-31",
- "checkOrEftTraceNumber": "12345",
- "payerIdentifier": "1512345678",
- "transactionSetIdentifierCode": "PAYMENT",
- "fileInfo": {
- "fileType": "EDI"
}, - "sender": {
- "entityRole": "PAYER",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "DELTA DENTAL OF ABC",
- "address": {
- "line": "225 MAIN STREET",
- "city": "CENTERVILLE",
- "stateCode": "PA",
- "zipCode": "17111"
}, - "contacts": [
- {
- "name": "JANE DOE",
- "contactNumbers": [
- {
- "type": "PHONE",
- "number": "9005555555"
}, - "receiver": {
- "entityRole": "PAYEE",
- "entityType": "BUSINESS",
- "identificationType": "EIN",
- "identifier": "999994703",
- "lastNameOrOrgName": "BAN DDS LLC"
Parses X12 EDI and returns returns an array of claims (837), payments (835) or segments (all other transactions). The parsing is done entirely in memory, so only suitable for small files. Fully synchronous; the entire file is parsed before returning the response. For large files use 'api/edi' endpoints instead.
asSegments | boolean Default: false Return JSON representation of loops and segments. This is the default mode for non-835, non-837 transactions. |
gen999 | boolean Default: false Generate 999–Functional Group Acknowledgement Report for all parsed transactions. The resulting EDI is available in the "ackEdi" field of the response |
Text in X12 EDI format
{- "claims": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "objectType": "TRANSACTION",
- "patientControlNumber": "string",
- "chargeAmount": 0,
- "paymentAmount": 0,
- "patientPaidAmount": 0,
- "frequencyCode": {
- "type": "PROCEDURE",
- "subType": "HCPCS",
- "code": "string",
- "desc": "string",
- "fullDesc": "string",
- "instructionDesc": "string",
- "shortDesc": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24",
- "formattedCode": "string",
- "presentOnAdmissionIndicator": "string",
- "occurrenceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "occurrenceEndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "amount": 0,
- "descFromClaim": "string",
- "issuingOrg": "string",
- "modifiers": [
- { }
], - "editsHolder": {
- "code": "string",
- "manifestationPrinDiag": "string",
- "unacceptablePrinDiag": "string",
- "questionableAdmissionDiag": "string",
- "unspecifiedDiag": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "mueLimits": [
- {
- "claimType": "PRACTITIONER",
- "maxUnits": 0,
- "rationale": "string"
], - "minAge": 0,
- "maxAge": 0,
- "gender": "string",
- "checkTypes": [
- "MUE"
], - "disallowedCodes": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "rationale": "string",
- "claimTypes": [
], - "modifierAllowed": true
], - "createTimestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "categories": [
- { }
}, - "facilityCode": {
- "type": "PROCEDURE",
- "subType": "HCPCS",
- "code": "string",
- "desc": "string",
- "fullDesc": "string",
- "instructionDesc": "string",
- "shortDesc": "string",
- "startDate": "2019-08-24",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24",
- "formattedCode": "string",
- "presentOnAdmissionIndicator": "string",
- "occurrenceDate": "2019-08-24",
- "occurrenceEndDate": "2019-08-24",
- "amount": 0,
- "descFromClaim": "string",
- "issuingOrg": "string",
- "modifiers": [
- { }
], - "editsHolder": {
- "code": "string",
- "manifestationPrinDiag": "string",
- "unacceptablePrinDiag": "string",
- "questionableAdmissionDiag": "string",
- "unspecifiedDiag": "string",
- "fileName": "string",
- "mueLimits": [
- {
- "claimType": "PRACTITIONER",
- "maxUnits": 0,
- "rationale": "string"
], - "minAge": 0,
- "maxAge": 0,
- "gender": "string",
- "checkTypes": [
- "MUE"
], - "disallowedCodes": [
- {
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