EDI Parser for Java

Our EDI Parser for Java is now available.

If you don’t use Java, consider our API or command-line converter to parse and convert EDI files from any language.

The parser is easy to use and requires no EDI knowledge.

Here is a quick example:

var parser = new EdiParser(ediFile837p);
// parse all claims in the file; alternatively you can parse in chunks
List<Claim> claims = parser.parse837(-1);
Claim sampleClaim = claims.get(0);
// get some key attributes of the claim
BigDecimal billedAmount = sampleClaim.chargeAmount();
String patientControlNumber = sampleClaim.patientControlNumber();
// Providers
OrgOrPerson billingProvider = sampleClaim.billingProvider();
String providerNpi = billingProvider.identifier();
// Service lines
for (var line : sampleClaim.lines()) {
    String procedureCode = line.procedure().code();
    LocalDate serviceDate = line.serviceDateFrom();
    Integer unitCount = line.unitCount();
    UnitType unitType=line.unitType();

Please refer to the documentation for more details. Make sure to check out examples in our GitHub repo;

You can request your access to the parser here.