EDI Viewer and 837/835 Claim/Payment (ERA) Viewer

Upload your X12 EDI file, copy-paste an X12 EDI string/fragment, and hit “Parse” to start.

Note: This version of the viewer has a limit on the size of the EDI input. Request access here for an unrestricted HIPAA-compliant version or to run the viewer locally (it takes only a few minutes to install).

You can see the demo of the paid version here.

Interested in converting X12 EDI files into CSV, Excel, or JSON? Check out our command-line EDI converter tool or our parsing API.

What's new: Conversion to CSV/Excel.

Note on data privacy and HIPAA: We do not save EDI input from users. Uploaded files are deleted automatically as soon as the file is rendered. However, this is a free tool; do not use it to view PHI. Consider upgrading to out paid version instead.

We’re constantly improving the viewer; please sign up for our updates below: