Converting X12 EDI 837I Institutional Claims to CSV
You can now convert 837I (institutional/hospital claims) X12 EDI files to the comma-separated values (CSV) format using our EDI API or the CLI tool.
To see an example, navigate to this claim and select “Export/CSV (All Fields).”
For small files, you can use our free EDI Viewer to convert, upload your file and click “Download CSV.”
See our documentation for more details on how to convert your EDI files.
You can also convert institutional claims to CSV via UI using our Claim Insight product.
837I claims can be quite complex with many UB codes that are not present for professional claims, such as occurrence codes, condition codes, DRG, and so on. The procedures (services) for 837I are often provided at a claim level. Primary and admitting diagnoses are listed separately.
By default, the converter creates all columns that can be present on an institutional claim so that many columns can be blank. You can customize the list of columns by using the “excluded” property of the converter’s config file (conversion schema).
Here is an example of the CSV output. Here, we show only a subset of columns; download the entire file to see all columns.

As with other file types, you can generate a single CSV file with all the claim and line-level fields, or you can request two separate files, one for claim-level and one for line-level.
The claim ID and patient control number are always repeated for each line:

You can also convert only the most essential fields using the “key-fields” conversion schema. To see an example, select “Export/CSV (Key Fields)” for any institutional claim on the site.