How to Run EDI Conversion API Back-End Locally

You can run our EDI conversion API back-end locally on your laptop or server using Docker.

Please follow the instructions below to install the product:

  • Install Docker engine
  • Create a new folder (e.g., “edi”), download this docker-compose file and save it into this folder
  • Navigate to the folder where you saved the file
  • Create a subfolder for the Mongo DB volume; it must be named “mongo_data”, e.g., mkdir mongo_data. If you want to use a different location, update the docker-compose.yaml
  • If you previously installed our docker container, run docker compose rm
  • Run docker compose pull
  • Run docker compose up -d

The last command will start two docker containers, one for the API/UI backend and another one for the Mongo database.

For more details, please see the documentation.

You can access the application using the following links:

Once the app runs, navigate to the “EDI Files” page and upload your 835 and 837 files.

To use the conversion API, post the content of your EDI file to the “api/edi/json” endpoint:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @<your file> http://localhost:5080/clinsight/api/edi/json

Visit our github repo for more examples.

License Key

You will need a license file to upload files or use the EDI conversion API.

Request your trial license key here.

To install the license, go to the UI, click on the “Settings” (the cogwheel icon) and then the “License” button.

You can also copy the license file to the etc subdirectory of the docker-compose project. In this case, ensure the file is named edi-license.bin.

Other helpful commands:

  • Shut down all containers: docker compose down
  • View logs: docker compose logs --no-log-prefix -f app