New CSV Columns: DRG, Revenue Code and Drug Code
We’ve added DRG code and several other new fields to our CSV file layout for 835.
The changes affect CSV files produced by our converter tools (EDI API, CLI converter) and our EDI Viewer product.
These changes are part of the release 2.10.5 of the API and the CLI.
New Columns (835)
- DrgCode. Diagnosis-related group code. Institutional claims only. EDI element: CLP11.
- DrgWeight. Adjudicated DRG weight. Institutional claims only. EDI element: CLP12.
- DischargeFraction. Adjudicated discharge fraction. Institutional claims only. This is a percentage expressed as decimal. EDI element: CLP13.
- LineDrugCode. NCD drug code when the drug code was provided as the service on 835. EDI element: SVC01-2.
- LineOriginalRevenueCode. Submitted NUBC revenue code when it was different from the adjudicated revenue code. Institutional claims only. EDI element: SVC06-2.
- LineOriginalDrugCode. Submitted NDC drug code when it was different from the adjudicated drug code. EDI element: SVC06-2.