EDI Converter Release 2.10.5

We’ve updated all our converter products, including EDI API, CLI converter and EDI parser for Java.

This release adds several new fields to the CSV and JSON output and includes two important bug fixes.

New CSV Columns

The new CSV columns for this release are documented here.

We’ve also added several columns in the previous release.

New JSON Fields

ServiceLine object for 835:

  • originalRevenueCode. Submitted NUBC revenue code when it was different from the adjudicated revenue code. Institutional claims only. EDI element: SVC06-2.
  • originalDrug. Submitted NDC drug code when it was different from the adjudicated drug code. EDI element: SVC06-2.

Bug Fixes

Incorrect parsing of line-level providers

We’ve fixed a high-priority defect related to parsing providers for 837. In some instances, line-level providers could be incorrectly listed at the claim level.

Errors when parsing multiple EDI files in parallel (API only)

We’ve fixed a “null pointer exception” related to processing multiple 837 or 835 files at the same time.

Other Changes

How to Upgrade

API Docker container

Pull the latest version from our docker registry. For docker compose, run docker compose pull. Note that the image tag ediconvert:2.10 did not change.

You can view the logs to see the version number or invoke the about endpoint, e.g., curl http://localhost:5080/api/about.

CLI tool

  • Download the new version from this link, unzip.
  • Replace the content of your existing installation with the files from the new version, including lib and conf folders. Do not delete your license file.
  • Run ediconvert -V to view the version number, the output should contain ediconvert 2.10.5 line.

EDI Parser for Java

Update the version number of the “edi” dependency in your build.gradle or pom.xml:

implementation "hdi:edi:2.10.5"