On-Premise Installation and Configuration

Claim Insight Components

Claim Insight is a Java SpringBoot application with the MongoDB database back-end.

Claim Insight components are deployed as Docker containers. We support Kubernetes and Docker Compose container orchestrators.

Claim Insight can also be run in a standalone Docker container.


Claim Insight can be installed on any Linux or Windows server with the Docker services preinstalled.

Here are the requirements for the host VM:

  • RAM: 16 GB minimal, 32 or higher is recommended
  • Disk space: 200 GB or more
  • Cores: at least 4 processor cores

Software requirements:

  • Docker Engine: 19 or higher
  • Docker Compose: 1.18 or higher
  • MongoDB: 6.0 or higher

Docker Configuration

Claim Insight image is available from our docker hub’s repo.

You can run the Claim Insight container using docker compose or in any Kubernetes cluster.

This docker-compose file provides a good starting point for standalone configuration.

The default configuration includes a local instance of MongoDB. If you will be running your own MongoDB cluster to host the Claim Insight’s database (see below), you can remove the MongoDB service from the docker-compose file.

Follow these steps to run Claim Insight using docker compose:

  • Save your docker-compose file to the folder named clinsight.
  • Create a folder for the Mongo DB volume, it must be named “mongo_data”, e.g., mkdir mongo_data. If you want to use a different location, update the docker-compose.yaml
  • Navigate to the clinsight folder.
  • Run docker compose up -d from the clinsight folder.

The main URL for Claim Insight UI is http://:5080/clinsight/ui.

The API documentation is available at http://:5080/clinsight/api-docs

REST APIs are available at http://<your host>:5080/clinsight/api. For example, the URL for Claim API is http://:5080/clinsight/api/claims.

You can change the port by updating the port mapping of the Claim Insight’s docker container.

The app’s maximum Java heap size is set to 6GB, so the host VM should have at least 8GB, or 16GB if MongoDB is running on the same host.

You can lower the maximum heap size if you have low data volumes and few users. This can be done by defining the following environment variable in your docker-compose file:

JAVA_OPTS=-XshowSettings:vm -Xms512m -Xmx2g -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError

The —Xmx option defines the JVM’s maximum heap size. It is not recommended to go below 2G.

MongoDB Configuration

Claim Insight needs an instance of MongoDB. You can use a community edition, enterprise edition or MongoDB Atlas.

The minimal supported MongoDB version is 6.0.

We recommend using Atlas since it automatically handles redundancy, backups and other operational concerns.

The size of MongoDB cluster will depend on the number of claims and payments stored in the system. We recommend setting up an M30 or M40 cluster as the starting point.

Claim Insight Docker installation comes with a community MongoDB instance.

The connection string points to a local instance running on the mongo host by default: mongodb://mongo:27017

You can override the connection string by defining MONGODB_URI environment variable.

For example for Atlas, the connection string could look like this:


You database credentials should be defined in a separate config file, e.g., in .env for docker compose.

Claim Insight automatically adds connection string parameters for fine-tuning MongoDB’s connection pooling: connectTimeoutMS=0&minPoolSize=10&maxPoolSize=100&waitQueueTimeoutMS=900000. Do not override these parameters.

You can get rid of the MongoDB container in docker-compose.yml if you’re using Atlas or a separate database instance.

Claim Insight automatically creates the database and necessary collections upon its startup. Additional collections are created as you load files.

The Claim Insight’s database can always be recreated from your EDI files. It is important to have a backup of all loaded files.

Integration with Azure Active Directory

Create App registration for Claim Insight in your AD (Microsoft Entra ID).

You will need to obtain client ID and tenant ID from App registration.

Create the client secret and save its value.

You will also need to specify Redirect URI in the format https://<host>:<port>/clinsight/login/oauth2/code/.

Create Enterprise application and assign users/groups.

You will need to define the following environment variables for the Claim Insight docker container:


Claim Insight will automatically forward to the Microsoft login page when you attempt to access it.