EDI-to-CSV Conversion

By default, all fields from 835/837 are converted to CSV. The converter creates a row for every service line and duplicates payment/claim level fields on every row.

You can customize this default behavior by using one of the pre-configured conversion schemas, or you can create your own custom schema.

The name of the schema can be provided using the schemaName parameter for the API call or the --csv-schema-name option for the CLI tool.

Built-in Conversion Schemas

Default (no explicit name)

The CLI converter will create two files, one with the claim-level fields using header-only schema and another with the service-line fields using lines-only schema.

The API uses the lines-with-header-repeat-first-row schema by default.


Create a single CSV file containing all fields from the header and service lines. The first line for the claim includes all claim-level data; subsequent lines contain only the following fields:

  • Id
  • PatientControlNumber
  • PayerControlNumber (835 only)

This schema is the default for the API edi/csv operation.

It is also used by our UI when selecting “Export/All Fields” from the details screen or “Download CSV/All Fields” from the list screen.

To see examples, go to any example on the site and click “Export/All Fields.”


Create a single CSV file containing all fields from the header and service lines. Claim-level fields repeat on every line.


Create a single CSV file with claim-level fields.


Create a single CSV file with line-level fields.


Create a single file with only the most important fields from 835/837.

This schema is used by our UI when selecting “Export/Key Fields” from the details screen or “Download CSV/Key Fields” from the list screen.

To see examples, go to any example on the site and click “Export/Key Fields.”

Here is the list of fields:


Claim-level fields:

  • Id
  • FileName
  • PatientControlNumber
  • ClaimStatus
  • ChargeAmount
  • PaymentAmount
  • PatientResponsibilityAmount
  • DrgCode
  • PaymentDate
  • CheckOrEftTraceNumber
  • TotalAdjAmount
  • Adj*ReasonCode
  • Adj*Amount
  • PayerIdentifier
  • PayerName
  • CoverageAmount
  • PatientIdentifier
  • PatientLastName
  • PatientFirstName
  • ServiceDateFrom
  • ServiceDateTo

Line-level fields:

  • LineControlNumber
  • LineProcedureCode
  • LineRevenueCode
  • LineChargeAmount
  • LinePaidAmount
  • LineUnitCount
  • LineServiceDateFrom
  • LineServiceDateTo
  • LineTotalAdjAmount
  • LineAdj*ReasonCode
  • LineAdj*Amount
  • LineAllowedAmount
  • LineRemarkCode*


Claim-level fields:

  • Id
  • FileName
  • PatientControlNumber
  • ChargeAmount
  • PlaceOfService
  • FrequencyTypeCode
  • TransactionCreationDateTime
  • ServiceDateFrom
  • ServiceDateTo
  • SubscriberIdentifier
  • SubscriberLastName
  • SubscriberFirstName
  • SubscriberPayerIdentifier
  • SubscriberPayerName
  • PatientPaidAmount
  • OtherSubscriberPayerPaidAmount
  • Diag*

Line-level fields:

  • LineControlNumber
  • LineProcedureCode
  • LineProcedureModifier*
  • LineChargeAmount
  • LineUnitCount
  • LineServiceDateFrom
  • LineServiceDateTo

Customizing Conversion Schemas

You can customize the built-in schemas or create your own custom schemas.

The schemas are defined in the csv_conversion.yaml file.

Modifying Conversion Schemas for the CLI Tool

You can find the csv_conversion.yaml file in your installation’s conf folder.

You can change this file directly or copy it into a new file.

Edit the file and update the excludedFields or the includedFields property.

If you created a new file, you will need to define the path to this file using the CSV_SCHEMA_FILE environment variable.

Modifying Conversion Schemas in the API Server

Download the latest schema file from this location. Modify this file and save it to etc/csv folder of the etc volume of the Docker container.

Alternatively, you can save this file in some other location and create a bind mount with the source pointing to your file. The destination has to be under /app directory of the container.

Then define CSV_SCHEMA_DIR environment variable with the new location. If you want to use a different file name, provide the name using CSV_SCHEMA_FILE environment variable.