835 Fields
This document provides definitions of header-level CSV columns and properties of Payment and related objects in JSON. CSV column headers use the upper case.
The “EDI Element” column contains the X12 “Reference Designator,” such as CLM01
. Where appropriate, we also provide an X12 qualifier code, such as *435
from the DTP*435*D8*20030108~
string (admission date).
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
id | Unique payment identifier assigned by the converter | String | |
transactionType | Transaction set identifier code | String | ST01 |
fileName | X12 EDI file name containing the payment | String | |
transactionControlNumber | Transaction set control number | String | ST02 |
patientControlNumber | Identifier used to track a claim from creation by the health care provider through payment | String | CLP01 |
claimStatus | Claim status | String | CLP02 |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | CLP03 |
paymentAmount | Payment amount | Number | CLP04 |
patientResponsibilityAmount | Patient responsibility amount | Number | CLP05 |
claimFilingIndicatorCode | Claim filing indicator code | String | CLP06 |
payerControlNumber | Payer control number | String | CLP07 |
facilityTypeCode | Facility type code View codes and descriptions | String | CLP08 |
frequencyTypeCode | Frequency type code View codes and descriptions | String | CLP09 |
drgCode | Diagnosis-related group code. Institutional claims only. | String | CLP11 |
drgWeight | Adjudicated DRG weight. Institutional claims only. | Number | CLP12 |
dischargeFraction | Adjudicated discharge fraction. Institutional claims only. This is a percentage expressed as decimal. | Number | CLP13 |
totalPaymentAmount | Total payment amount | Number | BPR02 |
creditOrDebitFlagCode | Credit or debit flag code | String | BPR03 |
paymentMethodType | Payment method type | String | BPR04 |
receiverAccountNumber | Receiver account number | String | BPR15 |
paymentDate | Payment date | Date | BPR16 |
checkOrEftTraceNumber | Check or eft trace number | String | TRN02 |
payerEin | Payer identifier. This must be a '1' followed by the payer EIN | String | TRN03 |
productionDate | Production date | Date | DTP02 *405 |
totalAdjAmount | Sum total of all adjustments from all service lines | Number | |
adjs | Claim adjustments | List | CAS |
serviceDateFrom | The earliest service date from service lines | Date | |
serviceDateTo | The latest service date from service lines | Date | |
statementDateFrom | Statement date from | Date | DTP02 *434 |
statementDateTo | Statement date to | Date | DTP02 *434 |
coverageExpirationDate | Coverage expiration date | Date | DTP02 *036 |
claimReceivedDate | Claim received date | Date | DTP02 *050 |
coverageAmount | Coverage amount from the list of supplemental amounts | Number | AMT02 *AU |
supplementalAmts | Supplemental claim/payment amounts, such as coverage amount, discount amount, etc. | List | AMT |
supplementalQties | Supplemental claim/payment quantities | List | QTY |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
group | Claim adjustment group code as a string constant (enum) | String | CAS01 |
reasonCode | Claim adjustment reason code View codes and descriptions | String | CAS02 |
amount | Adjustment amount | Number | CAS03 |
quantity | Adjustment quantity | Integer | CAS04 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
type | Type of amount; qualifier code as a string constant (enum) | String | AMT01 |
amount | Amount | Number | AMT02 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
type | Type of quantity; qualifier code as a string constant (enum) | String | QTY01 |
quantity | Quantity | Number | QTY02 |