835 ERA Fields

This document provides definitions of header-level CSV columns and properties of Payment and related objects in JSON.

The “EDI Element” column contains the X12 “Reference Designator,” such as CLP01. Where appropriate, we also provide an X12 qualifier code, such as *435 from the DTP*435*D8*20030108~ string (admission date).

“EDI Element” is blank for the fields that are not populated from EDI data. These fields are calculated based on other fields (e.g., totalAdjAmount) or generated by the converter (id).

To view elements of any EDI segment, navigate to this 835 example, select “EDI View” and click on any segment ID.


Main EDI Loop: 2100

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
idUnique payment identifier assigned by the converterString
transactionTypeTransaction set identifier codeStringST01
fileNameConverted X12 EDI file nameString
transactionControlNumberTransaction set control numberStringST02
patientControlNumberIdentifier used to track a claim from creation by the health care provider through paymentStringCLP01
claimStatusClaim statusStringCLP02
chargeAmountCharge amountNumberCLP03
paymentAmountPayment amountNumberCLP04
patientResponsibilityAmountPatient responsibility amountNumberCLP05
claimFilingIndicatorCodeClaim filing indicator codeStringCLP06
payerControlNumberPayer control numberStringCLP07
facilityTypeCodeFacility type code
View codes and descriptions
frequencyTypeCodeFrequency type code
View codes and descriptions
drgCodeDiagnosis-related group code. Institutional claims only.StringCLP11
drgWeightAdjudicated DRG weight. Institutional claims only.NumberCLP12
dischargeFractionAdjudicated discharge fraction. Institutional claims only. This is a percentage expressed as decimal.NumberCLP13
totalPaymentAmountTotal payment amountNumberBPR02
creditOrDebitFlagCodeCredit or debit flag codeStringBPR03
paymentMethodTypePayment method typeStringBPR04
receiverAccountNumberReceiver account numberStringBPR15
paymentDatePayment dateDateBPR16
checkOrEftTraceNumberCheck or eft trace numberStringTRN02
payerEinPayer identifier. This must be a '1' followed by the payer EIN. This field is also copied to the payerIdentifier field if it wasn't provided in N104.StringTRN03
productionDateProduction dateDateDTP02 *405
totalAdjAmountSum total of all adjustments from all service linesNumber
adjsClaim adjustmentsList of AdjustmentCAS
payerPayerPartyN1 *PR
payeePayeePartyN1 *PE
patientThe insured (subscriber) or patient from the original claimPartyNM1 *QC
subscriberThe insured (subscriber) from the original claim if the insured is different from the patientPartyNM1 *44
correctedPatientCorrected patientPartyNM1 *74
serviceProviderService providerPartyNM1 *SJ
crossoverCarrierCrossover carrierPartyNM1 *TT
correctedPayerCorrected priority payer, meaning that current payer believes that another payer has priority for making a paymentPartyNM1 *PR
otherSubscriberOther subscriberPartyNM1 *GB
otherClaimRelatedIdsOther claim-related identificationsList of ReferenceREF
serviceDateFromThe earliest service date from service linesDate
serviceDateToThe latest service date from service linesDate
statementDateFromStatement date fromDateDTP02 *232
statementDateToStatement date toDateDTP02 *233
coverageExpirationDateCoverage expiration dateDateDTP02 *036
claimReceivedDateClaim received dateDateDTP02 *050
coverageAmountCoverage amount from the list of supplemental amountsNumberAMT02 *AU
supplementalAmtsSupplemental claim/payment amounts, such as coverage amount, discount amount, etc.List of AmountAMT
supplementalQtiesSupplemental claim/payment quantitiesList of QuantityQTY
linesService payment informationList of ServiceLineSVC

Service Line

Main EDI Loop: 2110

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
controlNumberLine item control number from 837StringREF02 *6R
procedureAdjudicated procedure code
View codes and descriptions
ProcedureSVC01 *HC, SVC01 *AD, SVC01 *WK, SVC01 *IV
revenueCodeAdjudicated revenue code
View codes and descriptions
CodeSVC01 *RC,NU, SVC04 *RC,NU
drugCodeAdjudicated drug code (NDC)
View codes and descriptions
chargeAmountCharge amountNumberSVC02
paidAmountPaid amountNumberSVC03
unitCountUnit countNumberSVC05
originalProcedureSubmitted procedure code from the claim if it is different from the adjudicated procedure
View codes and descriptions
ProcedureSVC06 *HC, SVC06 *AD, SVC06 *WK, SVC06 *IV
originalRevenueCodeSubmitted revenue code from the claim if it is different from the adjudicated revenue code
View codes and descriptions
CodeSVC06 *RC,NU
originalDrugCodeSubmitted drug (NDC) code from the claim if it is different from the adjudicated drug code
View codes and descriptions
originalUnitCountOriginal unit countNumberSVC07
serviceDateFromService period start dateDateDTP02 *472, DTP02 *150
serviceDateToService period end date. If not provided in EDI (single day), it is set to 'serviceDateFrom' DateDTP02 *151
totalAdjAmountSum total of all adjustments for this service lineNumber
adjsLine adjustmentsList of AdjustmentCAS
serviceIdsRelated service-specific identifiers that were used in the process of adjudicating this serviceList of ReferenceREF
healthcarePolicyIdHealthcare policy idStringREF02 *0K
renderingProviderIdsRendering provider identifiersList of ReferenceREF
allowedAmountAllowed amount -- this is one of the amounts from the list of supplemental amountsNumber
supplementalAmtsSupplemental amounts, such as allowed amount, deduction amount, etc.List of AmountAMT
supplementalQtiesSupplemental quantitiesList of QuantityQTY
remarkCodesRemark codes
View codes and descriptions
List of StringLQ


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
groupClaim adjustment group code as a string constant (enum)StringCAS01
reasonCodeClaim adjustment reason code
View codes and descriptions
amountAdjustment amountNumberCAS03
quantityAdjustment quantityNumberCAS04

Party (Organization or Individual)

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
entityRoleEntity role
View codes and descriptions
StringNM102, N101
identificationTypeIdentifier type, usually NPI for providers. This is a qualifier code translated to a string constant (enum)StringNM108, N103
identifierIdentifierStringNM109, N104
lastNameOrOrgNameLast name or org nameStringNM103, N102
firstNameFirst nameStringNM104
middleNameMiddle nameStringNM105
additionalIdsOther identificationsList of ReferenceREF


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
stateCodeState codeStringN402
zipCodeZip codeStringN403
countryCodeCountry codeStringN404


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
codeHealthcare codeString
descCode description String
modifiersModifiersList of CodeSV101-3


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
codeHealthcare codeString
descCode description String


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
qualifierCodeCode specifying the type of amount (amount qualifier code)StringAMT01
typeType of amount; qualifier code translated to a mnemonic string constant (enum)StringAMT01


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
qualifierCodeCode specifying the type of quantity (quantity qualifier code)StringQTY01
typeType of quantity; qualifier code translated to a mnemonic string constant (enum)StringQTY01

Reference Identifications

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
qualifierCodeCode qualifying the reference identificationStringREF01
typeType of reference; qualifier code as a string constant (enum)StringREF01
identificationReference identificationStringREF02