835 ERA Fields
This document provides definitions of header-level CSV columns and properties of Payment and related objects in JSON.
The “EDI Element” column contains the X12 “Reference Designator,” such as CLP01
. Where appropriate, we also provide an X12 qualifier code, such as *435
from the DTP*435*D8*20030108~
string (admission date).
“EDI Element” is blank for the fields that are not populated from EDI data. These fields are calculated based on other fields (e.g., totalAdjAmount
) or generated by the converter (id
To view elements of any EDI segment, navigate to this 835 example, select “EDI View” and click on any segment ID.
Main EDI Loop: 2100
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
id | Unique payment identifier assigned by the converter | String | |
transactionType | Transaction set identifier code | String | ST01 |
fileName | Converted X12 EDI file name | String | |
transactionControlNumber | Transaction set control number | String | ST02 |
patientControlNumber | Identifier used to track a claim from creation by the health care provider through payment | String | CLP01 |
claimStatus | Claim status | String | CLP02 |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | CLP03 |
paymentAmount | Payment amount | Number | CLP04 |
patientResponsibilityAmount | Patient responsibility amount | Number | CLP05 |
claimFilingIndicatorCode | Claim filing indicator code | String | CLP06 |
payerControlNumber | Payer control number | String | CLP07 |
facilityTypeCode | Facility type code View codes and descriptions | String | CLP08 |
frequencyTypeCode | Frequency type code View codes and descriptions | String | CLP09 |
drgCode | Diagnosis-related group code. Institutional claims only. | String | CLP11 |
drgWeight | Adjudicated DRG weight. Institutional claims only. | Number | CLP12 |
dischargeFraction | Adjudicated discharge fraction. Institutional claims only. This is a percentage expressed as decimal. | Number | CLP13 |
totalPaymentAmount | Total payment amount | Number | BPR02 |
creditOrDebitFlagCode | Credit or debit flag code | String | BPR03 |
paymentMethodType | Payment method type | String | BPR04 |
receiverAccountNumber | Receiver account number | String | BPR15 |
paymentDate | Payment date | Date | BPR16 |
checkOrEftTraceNumber | Check or eft trace number | String | TRN02 |
payerEin | Payer identifier. This must be a '1' followed by the payer EIN. This field is also copied to the payerIdentifier field if it wasn't provided in N104. | String | TRN03 |
productionDate | Production date | Date | DTP02 *405 |
totalAdjAmount | Sum total of all adjustments from all service lines | Number | |
adjs | Claim adjustments | List of Adjustment | CAS |
payer | Payer | Party | N1 *PR |
payee | Payee | Party | N1 *PE |
patient | The insured (subscriber) or patient from the original claim | Party | NM1 *QC |
subscriber | The insured (subscriber) from the original claim if the insured is different from the patient | Party | NM1 *44 |
correctedPatient | Corrected patient | Party | NM1 *74 |
serviceProvider | Service provider | Party | NM1 *SJ |
crossoverCarrier | Crossover carrier | Party | NM1 *TT |
correctedPayer | Corrected priority payer, meaning that current payer believes that another payer has priority for making a payment | Party | NM1 *PR |
otherSubscriber | Other subscriber | Party | NM1 *GB |
otherClaimRelatedIds | Other claim-related identifications | List of Reference | REF |
serviceDateFrom | The earliest service date from service lines | Date | |
serviceDateTo | The latest service date from service lines | Date | |
statementDateFrom | Statement date from | Date | DTP02 *232 |
statementDateTo | Statement date to | Date | DTP02 *233 |
coverageExpirationDate | Coverage expiration date | Date | DTP02 *036 |
claimReceivedDate | Claim received date | Date | DTP02 *050 |
coverageAmount | Coverage amount from the list of supplemental amounts | Number | AMT02 *AU |
supplementalAmts | Supplemental claim/payment amounts, such as coverage amount, discount amount, etc. | List of Amount | AMT |
supplementalQties | Supplemental claim/payment quantities | List of Quantity | QTY |
lines | Service payment information | List of ServiceLine | SVC |
Service Line
Main EDI Loop: 2110
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
controlNumber | Line item control number from 837 | String | REF02 *6R |
procedure | Adjudicated procedure code View codes and descriptions | Procedure | SVC01 *HC, SVC01 *AD, SVC01 *WK, SVC01 *IV |
revenueCode | Adjudicated revenue code View codes and descriptions | Code | SVC01 *RC,NU, SVC04 *RC,NU |
drugCode | Adjudicated drug code (NDC) View codes and descriptions | String | SVC01 |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | SVC02 |
paidAmount | Paid amount | Number | SVC03 |
unitCount | Unit count | Number | SVC05 |
originalProcedure | Submitted procedure code from the claim if it is different from the adjudicated procedure View codes and descriptions | Procedure | SVC06 *HC, SVC06 *AD, SVC06 *WK, SVC06 *IV |
originalRevenueCode | Submitted revenue code from the claim if it is different from the adjudicated revenue code View codes and descriptions | Code | SVC06 *RC,NU |
originalDrugCode | Submitted drug (NDC) code from the claim if it is different from the adjudicated drug code View codes and descriptions | String | SVC06 |
originalUnitCount | Original unit count | Number | SVC07 |
serviceDateFrom | Service period start date | Date | DTP02 *472, DTP02 *150 |
serviceDateTo | Service period end date. If not provided in EDI (single day), it is set to 'serviceDateFrom' | Date | DTP02 *151 |
totalAdjAmount | Sum total of all adjustments for this service line | Number | |
adjs | Line adjustments | List of Adjustment | CAS |
serviceIds | Related service-specific identifiers that were used in the process of adjudicating this service | List of Reference | REF |
healthcarePolicyId | Healthcare policy id | String | REF02 *0K |
renderingProviderIds | Rendering provider identifiers | List of Reference | REF |
allowedAmount | Allowed amount -- this is one of the amounts from the list of supplemental amounts | Number | |
supplementalAmts | Supplemental amounts, such as allowed amount, deduction amount, etc. | List of Amount | AMT |
supplementalQties | Supplemental quantities | List of Quantity | QTY |
remarkCodes | Remark codes View codes and descriptions | List of String | LQ |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
group | Claim adjustment group code as a string constant (enum) | String | CAS01 |
reasonCode | Claim adjustment reason code View codes and descriptions | String | CAS02 |
amount | Adjustment amount | Number | CAS03 |
quantity | Adjustment quantity | Number | CAS04 |
Party (Organization or Individual)
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
entityRole | Entity role View codes and descriptions | String | NM102, N101 |
identificationType | Identifier type, usually NPI for providers. This is a qualifier code translated to a string constant (enum) | String | NM108, N103 |
identifier | Identifier | String | NM109, N104 |
lastNameOrOrgName | Last name or org name | String | NM103, N102 |
firstName | First name | String | NM104 |
middleName | Middle name | String | NM105 |
address | Address | Address | |
additionalIds | Other identifications | List of Reference | REF |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
line | Line | String | N301 |
line2 | Line2 | String | N302 |
city | City | String | N401 |
stateCode | State code | String | N402 |
zipCode | Zip code | String | N403 |
countryCode | Country code | String | N404 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String | |
modifiers | Modifiers | List of Code | SV101-3 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
qualifierCode | Code specifying the type of amount (amount qualifier code) | String | AMT01 |
type | Type of amount; qualifier code translated to a mnemonic string constant (enum) | String | AMT01 |
amount | Amount | Number | AMT02 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
qualifierCode | Code specifying the type of quantity (quantity qualifier code) | String | QTY01 |
type | Type of quantity; qualifier code translated to a mnemonic string constant (enum) | String | QTY01 |
quantity | Quantity | Number | QTY02 |
Reference Identifications
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
qualifierCode | Code qualifying the reference identification | String | REF01 |
type | Type of reference; qualifier code as a string constant (enum) | String | REF01 |
identification | Reference identification | String | REF02 |