837I Institutional (Hospital) Claim Fields

This document provides definitions of header-level CSV columns and properties of Claim and related objects in JSON. CSV column headers use the upper case.

The “EDI Element” column contains the X12 “Reference Designator,” such as CLM01. Where appropriate, we also provide an X12 qualifier code, such as *435 from the DTP*435*D8*20030108~ string (admission date).

“EDI Element” is blank for the fields that are not populated from EDI data. These fields are calculated based on other fields (e.g., totalAdjAmount) or generated by the converter (‘id’).


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
idUnique payment identifier assigned by the converterString
transactionTypeTransaction set identifier codeStringST01
fileNameConverted X12 EDI file nameString
transactionControlNumberTransaction set control numberStringST02
originatorApplicationTransactionIdOriginator application transaction idStringBHT03
transactionCreationDateTimeTransaction creation date timeDate and TimeBHT04, BHT05
claimOrEncounterIdentifierTypeClaim or encounter identifier typeStringBHT06
patientControlNumberPatient control numberStringCLM01
chargeAmountCharge amountNumberCLM02
View codes and descriptions
frequencyTypeCodeFrequency type code
View codes and descriptions
assignmentParticipationCodeAssignment participation codeStringCLM07
assignmentCertificationIndicatorAssignment certification indicatorStringCLM08
releaseOfInformationCodeRelease of information codeStringCLM09
delayReasonCodeDelay reason codeStringCLM20
billingProviderBilling providerPartyNM1 *85
subscriberThe insured (subscriber)PartyNM1 *44
patientPatient if different from the the insured (subscriber)PartyNM1 *QC
statementDateFromStatement date fromDateDTP02 *434
statementDateToStatement date toDateDTP02 *434
dischargeTimeDischarge timeTimeDTP02 *096
admissionDateAndHourAdmission date and hourDate and TimeDTP02 *435
admissionTypeCodeAdmission type codeStringCL101
admissionSourceCodeAdmission source codeStringCL102
patientStatusCodePatient status codeStringCL103
patientResponsibilityAmountPatient responsibility amountNumberAMT02 *F3
serviceAuthorizationExceptionCodeService authorization exception codeStringREF02 *4N
referralNumberReferral numberStringREF02 *9F
priorAuthorizationNumberPrior authorization numberStringREF02 *G1
payerClaimControlNumberPayer claim control numberStringREF02 *F8
clearinghouseTraceNumberClearinghouse trace numberStringREF02 *D9
repricedReferenceNumberRepriced reference numberStringREF02 *9A
adjustedRepricedReferenceNumberAdjusted repriced reference numberStringREF02 *9C
accidentStateAccident stateStringREF02 *LU
medicalRecordNumberMedical record numberStringREF02 *EA
demonstrationProjectIdentifierDemonstration project identifierStringREF02 *P4
noteFree-form comments or instructions. All notes segments are concatenated together into this field.StringNTE02
billingNoteBilling noteStringNTE02
principalDiagPrincipal diagnosis
View codes and descriptions
DiagnosisHI *ABK
admittingDiagAdmitting diagnosis
View codes and descriptions
reasonForVisitDiagsReason for visit diags
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeHI *APR
externalCauseOfInjuryDiagsExternal cause of injury diags
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeHI *ABN
otherDiagsOther diags
View codes and descriptions
List of DiagnosisHI *ABF
principalProcedurePrincipal procedure
View codes and descriptions
CodeAndDate *BBR, *CAH
otherProceduresOther procedures
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeAndDate *BBQ
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeAndDateHI *BH
occurrenceSpansOccurrence spans
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeAndDateHI *BI
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeHI *BG
valueInfosValue infos
View codes and descriptions
List of CodeHI *BE
attendingProviderAttending providerPartyNM1 *71
operatingPhysicianOperating physicianPartyNM1 *72
otherOperatingPhysicianOther operating physicianPartyNM1 *ZZ
referringProviderReferring providerPartyNM1 *DN
renderingProviderRendering providerPartyNM1 *82
serviceFacilityService facilityPartyNM1 *77
linesService line informationList of ServiceLineSV1, SV2

Service Line

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
controlNumberControl numberStringREF02 *6R
revenueCodeRevenue code
View codes and descriptions
View codes and descriptions
ProcedureSV101 *HC, SV202 *HC, SV101 *AD, SV202 *AD, SV101 *WK, SV202 *WK, SV101 *IV, SV202 *IV
chargeAmountCharge amountNumberSV102, SV203
unitTypeUnit typeStringSV103, SV204
unitCountUnit countNumberSV104, SV205
nonCoveredAmountNon covered amountNumberSV207
serviceDateFromService period start dateDateDTP02 *472, DTP02 *150
serviceDateToService period end date. If not provided in EDI (single day), it is set to 'serviceDateFrom' DateDTP02 *151
repricedReferenceNumberRepriced reference numberStringREF02 *9B
adjustedRepricedReferenceNumberAdjusted repriced reference numberStringREF02 *9D
thirdPartyNoteThird party noteStringNTE02
View codes and descriptions
drugQuantityDrug quantityNumberCTP04
drugUnitTypeDrug unit typeStringCTP05-1
prescriptionNumberPrescription numberStringREF02 *XZ
operatingPhysicianOperating physicianPartyNM1 *72
otherOperatingPhysicianOther operating physicianPartyNM1 *ZZ
renderingProviderRendering providerPartyNM1 *82
referringProviderReferring providerPartyNM1 *DN

Party (Organization or Individual)

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
entityRoleEntity role
View codes and descriptions
StringNM102, N101
identificationTypeIdentifier type, usually NPI for providers. This is a qualifier code translated to a string constant (enum)StringNM108, N103
identifierIdentifierStringNM109, N104
lastNameOrOrgNameLast name or org nameStringNM103, N102
firstNameFirst nameStringNM104
middleNameMiddle nameStringNM105
additionalIdsOther identificationsList of ReferenceREF


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
stateCodeState codeStringN402
zipCodeZip codeStringN403
countryCodeCountry codeStringN404


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
codeHealthcare codeString
descCode description String
presentOnAdmissionIndicatorPresent on admission indicatorStringHI01-9


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
codeHealthcare codeString
descCode description String
modifiersModifiersList of CodeSV101-3

Code with Date

The date is provided for procedures at a claim level and occurrence codes.

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
codeHealthcare codeString
descCode description String
occurrenceDateOccurrence dateDateHI01-4


NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
codeHealthcare codeString
descCode description String

Reference Identifications

NameDescriptionTypeEDI Element
qualifierCodeCode qualifying the reference identificationStringREF01
typeType of reference; qualifier code as a string constant (enum)StringREF01
identificationReference identificationStringREF02