837I Institutional (Hospital) Claim Fields
This document provides definitions of header-level CSV columns and properties of Claim and related objects in JSON. CSV column headers use the upper case.
The “EDI Element” column contains the X12 “Reference Designator,” such as CLM01
. Where appropriate, we also provide an X12 qualifier code, such as *435
from the DTP*435*D8*20030108~
string (admission date).
“EDI Element” is blank for the fields that are not populated from EDI data. These fields are calculated based on other fields (e.g., totalAdjAmount
) or generated by the converter (‘id’).
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
id | Unique payment identifier assigned by the converter | String | |
transactionType | Transaction set identifier code | String | ST01 |
fileName | Converted X12 EDI file name | String | |
transactionControlNumber | Transaction set control number | String | ST02 |
originatorApplicationTransactionId | Originator application transaction id | String | BHT03 |
transactionCreationDateTime | Transaction creation date time | Date and Time | BHT04, BHT05 |
claimOrEncounterIdentifierType | Claim or encounter identifier type | String | BHT06 |
patientControlNumber | Patient control number | String | CLM01 |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | CLM02 |
facility | Facility View codes and descriptions | Obj | CLM05-1 |
frequencyTypeCode | Frequency type code View codes and descriptions | String | CLM05-3 |
assignmentParticipationCode | Assignment participation code | String | CLM07 |
assignmentCertificationIndicator | Assignment certification indicator | String | CLM08 |
releaseOfInformationCode | Release of information code | String | CLM09 |
delayReasonCode | Delay reason code | String | CLM20 |
billingProvider | Billing provider | Party | NM1 *85 |
subscriber | The insured (subscriber) | Party | NM1 *44 |
patient | Patient if different from the the insured (subscriber) | Party | NM1 *QC |
statementDateFrom | Statement date from | Date | DTP02 *434 |
statementDateTo | Statement date to | Date | DTP02 *434 |
dischargeTime | Discharge time | Time | DTP02 *096 |
admissionDateAndHour | Admission date and hour | Date and Time | DTP02 *435 |
admissionTypeCode | Admission type code | String | CL101 |
admissionSourceCode | Admission source code | String | CL102 |
patientStatusCode | Patient status code | String | CL103 |
patientResponsibilityAmount | Patient responsibility amount | Number | AMT02 *F3 |
serviceAuthorizationExceptionCode | Service authorization exception code | String | REF02 *4N |
referralNumber | Referral number | String | REF02 *9F |
priorAuthorizationNumber | Prior authorization number | String | REF02 *G1 |
payerClaimControlNumber | Payer claim control number | String | REF02 *F8 |
clearinghouseTraceNumber | Clearinghouse trace number | String | REF02 *D9 |
repricedReferenceNumber | Repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9A |
adjustedRepricedReferenceNumber | Adjusted repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9C |
accidentState | Accident state | String | REF02 *LU |
medicalRecordNumber | Medical record number | String | REF02 *EA |
demonstrationProjectIdentifier | Demonstration project identifier | String | REF02 *P4 |
note | Free-form comments or instructions. All notes segments are concatenated together into this field. | String | NTE02 |
billingNote | Billing note | String | NTE02 |
principalDiag | Principal diagnosis View codes and descriptions | Diagnosis | HI *ABK |
admittingDiag | Admitting diagnosis View codes and descriptions | Code | HI *ABJ |
reasonForVisitDiags | Reason for visit diags View codes and descriptions | List of Code | HI *APR |
externalCauseOfInjuryDiags | External cause of injury diags View codes and descriptions | List of Code | HI *ABN |
drg | Drg | Code | |
otherDiags | Other diags View codes and descriptions | List of Diagnosis | HI *ABF |
principalProcedure | Principal procedure View codes and descriptions | CodeAndDate | *BBR, *CAH |
otherProcedures | Other procedures View codes and descriptions | List of CodeAndDate | *BBQ |
occurrences | Occurrences View codes and descriptions | List of CodeAndDate | HI *BH |
occurrenceSpans | Occurrence spans View codes and descriptions | List of CodeAndDate | HI *BI |
conditions | Conditions View codes and descriptions | List of Code | HI *BG |
valueInfos | Value infos View codes and descriptions | List of Code | HI *BE |
attendingProvider | Attending provider | Party | NM1 *71 |
operatingPhysician | Operating physician | Party | NM1 *72 |
otherOperatingPhysician | Other operating physician | Party | NM1 *ZZ |
referringProvider | Referring provider | Party | NM1 *DN |
renderingProvider | Rendering provider | Party | NM1 *82 |
serviceFacility | Service facility | Party | NM1 *77 |
lines | Service line information | List of ServiceLine | SV1, SV2 |
Service Line
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
controlNumber | Control number | String | REF02 *6R |
revenueCode | Revenue code View codes and descriptions | Code | SV201 |
procedure | Procedure View codes and descriptions | Procedure | SV101 *HC, SV202 *HC, SV101 *AD, SV202 *AD, SV101 *WK, SV202 *WK, SV101 *IV, SV202 *IV |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | SV102, SV203 |
unitType | Unit type | String | SV103, SV204 |
unitCount | Unit count | Number | SV104, SV205 |
nonCoveredAmount | Non covered amount | Number | SV207 |
serviceDateFrom | Service period start date | Date | DTP02 *472, DTP02 *150 |
serviceDateTo | Service period end date. If not provided in EDI (single day), it is set to 'serviceDateFrom' | Date | DTP02 *151 |
repricedReferenceNumber | Repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9B |
adjustedRepricedReferenceNumber | Adjusted repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9D |
thirdPartyNote | Third party note | String | NTE02 |
drug | Drug View codes and descriptions | Code | LIN03 |
drugQuantity | Drug quantity | Number | CTP04 |
drugUnitType | Drug unit type | String | CTP05-1 |
prescriptionNumber | Prescription number | String | REF02 *XZ |
operatingPhysician | Operating physician | Party | NM1 *72 |
otherOperatingPhysician | Other operating physician | Party | NM1 *ZZ |
renderingProvider | Rendering provider | Party | NM1 *82 |
referringProvider | Referring provider | Party | NM1 *DN |
Party (Organization or Individual)
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
entityRole | Entity role View codes and descriptions | String | NM102, N101 |
identificationType | Identifier type, usually NPI for providers. This is a qualifier code translated to a string constant (enum) | String | NM108, N103 |
identifier | Identifier | String | NM109, N104 |
lastNameOrOrgName | Last name or org name | String | NM103, N102 |
firstName | First name | String | NM104 |
middleName | Middle name | String | NM105 |
address | Address | Address | |
additionalIds | Other identifications | List of Reference | REF |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
line | Line | String | N301 |
line2 | Line2 | String | N302 |
city | City | String | N401 |
stateCode | State code | String | N402 |
zipCode | Zip code | String | N403 |
countryCode | Country code | String | N404 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String | |
presentOnAdmissionIndicator | Present on admission indicator | String | HI01-9 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String | |
modifiers | Modifiers | List of Code | SV101-3 |
Code with Date
The date is provided for procedures at a claim level and occurrence codes.
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String | |
occurrenceDate | Occurrence date | Date | HI01-4 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String |
Reference Identifications
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
qualifierCode | Code qualifying the reference identification | String | REF01 |
type | Type of reference; qualifier code as a string constant (enum) | String | REF01 |
identification | Reference identification | String | REF02 |