837P Professional Claim Fields
This document provides definitions of header-level CSV columns and properties of Claim and related objects in JSON.
The “EDI Element” column contains the X12 “Reference Designator,” such as CLM01
. Where appropriate, we also provide an X12 qualifier code, such as *435
from the DTP*435*D8*20030108~
string (admission date).
“EDI Element” is blank for the fields that are not populated from EDI data. These fields are calculated based on other fields (e.g., totalAdjAmount
) or generated by the converter (id
To view elements of any EDI segment, navigate to this 837P example, select “EDI View” and click on any segment ID.
Main EDI Loop: 2300
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
id | Unique payment identifier assigned by the converter | String | |
transactionType | Transaction set identifier code | String | ST01 |
fileName | Converted X12 EDI file name | String | |
transactionControlNumber | Transaction set control number | String | ST02 |
originatorApplicationTransactionId | Originator application transaction id | String | BHT03 |
transactionCreationDateTime | Transaction creation date time | Date and Time | BHT04, BHT05 |
claimOrEncounterIdentifierType | Claim or encounter identifier type | String | BHT06 |
patientControlNumber | Patient control number | String | CLM01 |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | CLM02 |
placeOfService | Place of service as a string constant (enum) View codes and descriptions | String | CLM05 |
frequencyTypeCode | Frequency type code View codes and descriptions | String | CLM05-3 |
providerSignatureIndicator | Provider signature indicator | String | CLM06 |
assignmentParticipationCode | Assignment participation code | String | CLM07 |
assignmentCertificationIndicator | Assignment certification indicator | String | CLM08 |
releaseOfInformationCode | Release of information code | String | CLM09 |
delayReasonCode | Delay reason code | String | CLM20 |
billingProvider | Billing provider | Party | NM1 *85 |
subscriber | The insured (subscriber) | Party | NM1 *44 |
patient | Patient if different from the the insured (subscriber) | Party | NM1 *QC |
serviceDateFrom | The earliest service date from service lines | Date | |
serviceDateTo | The latest service date from service lines | Date | |
onsetOfCurrentIllnessOrInjuryDate | Onset of current illness or injury date | Date | DTP02 *431 |
initialTreatmentDate | Initial treatment date | Date | DTP02 *454 |
lastSeenDate | Last seen date | Date | DTP02 *304 |
acuteManifestationDate | Acute manifestation date | Date | DTP02 *453 |
accidentDate | Accident date | Date | DTP02 *439 |
lastMenstrualPeriodDate | Last menstrual period date | Date | DTP02 *484 |
lastXRayDate | Last xray date | Date | DTP02 *455 |
prescriptionDate | Hearing and vision prescription date | Date | DTP02 *471 |
assumedCareDate | Assumed care date | Date | DTP02 *90 |
relinquishedCareDate | Relinquished care date | Date | DTP02 *91 |
admissionDate | Admission date for ambulance claims | Date | DTP02 *435 |
dischargeDate | Discharge date | Date | DTP02 *096 |
patientPaidAmount | Patient paid amount | Number | AMT02 *F5 |
serviceAuthorizationExceptionCode | Service authorization exception code | String | REF02 *4N |
referralNumber | Referral number | String | REF02 *9F |
priorAuthorizationNumber | Prior authorization number | String | REF02 *G1 |
payerClaimControlNumber | Payer claim control number | String | REF02 *F8 |
clearinghouseTraceNumber | Clearinghouse trace number | String | REF02 *D9 |
repricedReferenceNumber | Repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9A |
adjustedRepricedReferenceNumber | Adjusted repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9C |
medicalRecordNumber | Medical record number | String | REF02 *EA |
note | Free-form comments or instructions. All notes segments are concatenated together into this field. | String | NTE02 |
diags | Diags View codes and descriptions | List of Code | HI *ABK, HI *ABF |
conditions | Conditions View codes and descriptions | List of Code | HI *BG |
referringProvider | Referring provider | Party | NM1 *DN |
renderingProvider | Rendering provider | Party | NM1 *82 |
serviceFacility | Service facility | Party | NM1 *77 |
supervisingProvider | Supervising provider | Party | NM1 *DQ |
ambulancePickUp | Ambulance pick up | Party | NM1 *PW |
ambulanceDropOff | Ambulance drop off | Party | NM1 *45 |
lines | Service line information | List of ServiceLine | SV1, SV2 |
Service Line
Main EDI Loop: 2400
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
controlNumber | Control number | String | REF02 *6R |
procedure | Procedure View codes and descriptions | Procedure | SV101 *HC, SV202 *HC, SV101 *AD, SV202 *AD, SV101 *WK, SV202 *WK, SV101 *IV, SV202 *IV |
chargeAmount | Charge amount | Number | SV102, SV203 |
unitType | Unit type | String | SV103, SV204 |
unitCount | Unit count | Number | SV104, SV205 |
placeOfService | Place of service | String | SV105 |
diagPointers | Diag pointers | List | SV107 |
serviceDateFrom | Service period start date | Date | DTP02 *472, DTP02 *150 |
serviceDateTo | Service period end date. If not provided in EDI (single day), it is set to 'serviceDateFrom' | Date | DTP02 *151 |
prescriptionDate | Prescription date | Date | DTP02 *472 |
beginTherapyDate | Begin therapy date | Date | |
lastSeenDate | Last seen date | Date | |
testPerformedDate | Test performed date | Date | |
lastXRayDate | Last xray date | Date | |
initialTreatmentDate | Initial treatment date | Date | |
priorAuthorization | Prior authorization | String | REF02 *G1 |
referralNumber | Referral number | String | REF02 *9F |
repricedReferenceNumber | Repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9B |
adjustedRepricedReferenceNumber | Adjusted repriced reference number | String | REF02 *9D |
note | Free-form comments or instructions. All notes segments are concatenated together into this field. | String | NTE02 |
thirdPartyNote | Third party note | String | NTE02 |
drug | Drug View codes and descriptions | Code | LIN03 |
drugQuantity | Drug quantity | Number | CTP04 |
drugUnitType | Drug unit type | String | CTP05-1 |
prescriptionNumber | Prescription number | String | REF02 *XZ |
renderingProvider | Rendering provider | Party | NM1 *82 |
purchasedServiceProvider | Purchased service provider | Party | NM1 *QB |
serviceFacility | Service facility | Party | NM1 *77 |
supervisingProvider | Supervising provider | Party | NM1 *DQ |
referringProvider | Referring provider | Party | NM1 *DN |
orderingProvider | Ordering provider | Party | NM1 *DK |
ambulancePickUp | Ambulance pick up | Party | NM1 *PW |
ambulanceDropOff | Ambulance drop off | Party | NM1 *45 |
Party (Organization or Individual)
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
entityRole | Entity role View codes and descriptions | String | NM102, N101 |
identificationType | Identifier type, usually NPI for providers. This is a qualifier code translated to a string constant (enum) | String | NM108, N103 |
identifier | Identifier | String | NM109, N104 |
lastNameOrOrgName | Last name or org name | String | NM103, N102 |
firstName | First name | String | NM104 |
middleName | Middle name | String | NM105 |
address | Address | Address | |
additionalIds | Other identifications | List of Reference | REF |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
line | Line | String | N301 |
line2 | Line2 | String | N302 |
city | City | String | N401 |
stateCode | State code | String | N402 |
zipCode | Zip code | String | N403 |
countryCode | Country code | String | N404 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String | |
modifiers | Modifiers | List of Code | SV101-3 |
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
code | Healthcare code | String | |
desc | Code description | String |
Reference Identifications
Name | Description | Type | EDI Element |
qualifierCode | Code qualifying the reference identification | String | REF01 |
type | Type of reference; qualifier code as a string constant (enum) | String | REF01 |
identification | Reference identification | String | REF02 |