835/837 Viewer Release Notes
03/20/2025 (Paid Version
See this post for details.
- We’ve added the total adjustment amount column for payments (payment list)
- Service line headers now contain the total adjustment amount for each line
- Service lines are now displayed in a “collapsed” state by default, so you can easily see the list of lines with the summary
- Updated data dictionary, including the data dictionary for 837I
- CSV column description and X12 EDI mapping (data dictionary) for 835 and 837P
- We now display statement dates in the “Service Dates” column of the payment table when a payment does contain services information.
- We’ve implemented a more robust way of identifying various issues with X12 EDI files. In the paid version, you can view parsing warnings on the file loading progress screen.
Support for CSV conversion for 837I (institutional/hospital claims).
See this post for details.
We’ve fixed the issue in our public EDI viewer with the delayed rendering of fields for larger files.
The text box with the EDI input is now automatically hidden to create more space to display the output.
12/08/2024 (Paid Version)
There are several changes to the CSV output; see this post for details.
We’ve made multiple changes to improve rendering and screen layout for small screen sizes.
We’ve added PatientBirthDate and PatientGender fields to the CSV output. Also added CheckOrEftTraceNumber to the list of key fields for CSV export.
You can now export only the key fields from your 835 or 837 files.
You can now view DRG code and the DRG weight on the 835 details screen.
You can now see drugs (NDC codes) and revenue codes on the service line tab of the 835 details screen.
We rearranged the order of fields on 835 details, so all the dates are now shown next to each other.
The 835 details screen now shows the service date in the header.
You can now see DRG codes on the claim’s detail screen.
We changed the left navigation menu so that the payment (ERA) analytics is next to the payment list menu item. Also fixed a minor issue with displaying the payer claim control number.
We also got rid of the generated identifier for patients when both a patient and a subscriber are on the claim.
We now offer a new API for parsing/converting X12 EDI. This API can handle files and transactions of any size. The response is streamed to the client. The API can produce line-delimited JSON (ndjson) that can be handled effectively by the client.
We’ve fixed an issue in our EDI parser code that resulted in an out-of-memory error for large 837 transactions. Our parser can now handle transactions with an unlimited number of claims. The fix was rolled out to our CLI tool and to APIs.
Our CLI converter can now generate JSON files of any size. Previously, users have to use JSON Lines for large files.
We’ve released a new version of our Java parser with a simplified / more intuitive API.
You can now filter claims by payers. We’ve also added a new report showing billed amounts and other metrics for payers based on 837 (claim) data.
We’ve tweaked the 835/837 CSV layout to make it more complete:
- Added fields for the corrected patient/insured name in 835. Sometimes, payers use these fields to provide an updated member ID.
- Increased the number of columns for adjustments and remarks from three to five. In some cases, ERAs can have more than three adjustments.
- Added support for multiple “other subscribers” in 837.
- We’ve updated our EDI parser so it can now handle 837/835 transactions of any size. Some 837 transactions can contain many members and claims. An 835 transaction can contain many payments. There is now no limit on the number of items inside a transaction.
- We’ve fixed several issues related to parsing 837 transactions with multiple billing providers.
- You can now export data from any analytics view (top reason codes, CPT codes, patients, etc.) as CSV.
- We’ve added filters for paid amounts and billed amounts. You can now search for payments and claims where paid/billed amounts are within a certain range. For example, enter 0 in both fields of the paid amount filter to view all remits with zero paid amounts.
- We’ve added reports/analytics for patients (members) and payers for 835. You can also see top patients and payers in the dashboard.
- Your key metrics (total paid amount, billed amount, paid date range) are now correctly calculated for all filters, including text search. Previously, it only worked for a certain combination of filters, and it didn’t work with text search.
- You can now sort by multiple columns in all analytics views.
- Additional notifications for the full-text search
ERA/835 Analytics
- You can now view adjustment reason codes and procedure codes by paid/billed amounts. Navigate to “Payment Analytics”/“Adj Codes” and select “Adj. Reason Code” or “Procedure” from the drop-down on the left. You’ll see aggregated billed/paid amounts by codes.
- You can also see your billed/paid amounts by month. Navigate to “Payment Analytics”/“Time Periods”.
- There is now a payment dashboard with key metrics for your remits on a single screen. Navigate to “Payment Analytics”/“Dashboard”.
Other Changes
- The date filter now uses paid dates instead of service dates
- We’ve added monthly and six-month periods to the date filter
- We’ve reorganized the grouping of fields on the payment details screen to make it more intuitive
- We’ve removed the payee column from the payment list screen to make more room for other fields.
Descriptions for CARC and RARC Codes (06/17/2024)
We now display descriptions for Claim Adjustment Reason Codes (CARC) and Remittance Advice Remark Codes (RARC) next to the code. In the paid version you can also search and filter by CARC/RARC codes.
Improved CSV Conversion for Other Subscriber (06/10/2024)
Our CSV converter now supports “other subscriber” (loop 2320 on 837) and other related fields.
CSV Export (06/04/2024)
You can now export a single claim/payment or a list of claims/payments in the CSV format. Just click on the “Download CSV” button.
Improved Support for 834 and 271 Transactions (05/26/2024)
We’ve fixed a number of bugs related to parsing of 834 and 271 transaction types. Also added the ability to use “JSON Lines” mode in our CLI converter for any transaction (previously only 837/835 were supported).
Support for Additional Dates and Reference Numbers for Line (05/17/2024)
We’ve added support for some additional dates (DTM) and reference numbers (REF) for services lines for 837P transactions.
Improved Support for Contact Info (05/09/2024)
We improved parsing/rendering of PER segments (contact information) so that all contact numbers are now available via API and on the screen.
Improved Support for 270/271 Transactions (05/08/2024)
Additional Identifiers for Providers and Payers (04/17/2024)
Additional and secondary identifiers for providers and other entities are now fully supported.
Original Procedure and Unit Count on 835 (04/09/2024)
We’ve added support for SVC06/SVC07 for 835.
Support for Line-level Supplemental Amounts and Quantities (04/07/2024)
We’ve added support for service line-level supplemental amounts (AMT segments) and quantities (QTY segments) on 835.
Support for Additional Identifiers for Payer and Payee (03/20/2024)
We’ve added support for additional identification/identifiers for payer and payee loops on 835.
Support for Remark Codes (02/20/2024)
We’ve added support for the remark codes (LQ segments).
Support for Claim Filing Indicator Code (02/16/2024)
We’ve updated descriptions for the SBR09/CLP06 elements. We’ve added claimFilingIndicatorCode as a new field in API.
Also added amountQualifierCode and quantityQualifier (AMT01/QTY01).
Parsing of 277 (02/08/2024)
We’ve fixed some issues with the APIs for EDI parsing; 277 and other transactions are now fully supported.
Updated Codes (02/05/2024)
Parsing of TRN segment; rendering of amount in value code for institutional claims; API Python examples.
Updated Codes (01/16/2024)
We’ve refreshed our code tables with the latest diagnosis, procedures, and drug code sets from CMS and FDA.
Support for Additional Institutional Codes (01/09/2024)
Both the parser and the UI now support value codes and condition codes for institutional claims.
X12 Parsing API (01/06/2024)
Our parsing API now supports any X12 EDI transaction type.
Improved APIs (12/26/2023)
We’ve added the API for payment search.
The Claim/Payment JSON schemas have been cleaned up. We also added “formattedCode” field for diagnosis and drug codes.
Improved Search, Escape Key Shortcut (12/17/2023)
The text search in Claim Insight have been improved.
You can now use “Esc” to close a claim/payment details window to return back to the grid.
Paid Amount in the Service Line Grid (12/10/2023)
We added paid amount column to the list of service lines.
Claim Insight now supports text search for 835 transactions.
Java Parser (12/05/2023)
Our Java EDI parser is now available
Bug Fixes (11/30/2023)
We fixed several bugs and performed extensive code refactoring
Claim and Payment List Views (08/13/2023)
Please refer to this post
Header for the Claim and Payment Detail Views (08/08/2023)
We’ve added the header to the claim/payment details views. The header displays key fields, such as billed amount, service dates, place of service, etc.
We’ve also changed the look and feel of grids used for diagnosis, UB codes and adjustments. The grids now support multi-column sorting.
Payer/Payee Contacts and Additional Identifiers (07/31/2023)
The viewer now properly displays contact information (PER
segment) and additional payer identifier for 835 transactions.
Support for NCPDP Telecom Header (07/23/2023)
We now support parsing of the NCPDP telecom transaction header. Previously, our parser supported only batch headers.
NCPDP Parser Fixes (07/17/2023)
Our parser is now able to parse NCPDP input without details headers. NCPDP headers are hard to deal with. They rely on fixed-length fields, which, by definition, are error-prone. There are also multiple flavors of the same header. The header in a batch environment has a different set of fields from the “regular” NCPDP header.
In case of any issue with headers, the parser simply ignores them; it then uses the schema for the “B1” transaction, which contains all of the key NCPDP segments, so the parser is able to parse most of the input.
Improved ISA Parsing (07/12/2023)
Parsing of “ISA” segments is now more lenient, allowing for situations when the fixed-length fields are shorter than required. The X12 EDI standard mandates that all elements constituting the ISA segment must be of fixed width. In real life, however, this requirement is often not followed. We can now parse EDI with such a malformed ISA segment.
Our payment viewer now properly displays facility type and the claim frequency (payment for an original claim or a resubmitted claim).
Updated APIs (07/06/2023)
We now provide public API to convert 835 transactions into payments. To see a sample response, navigate to an 835 example and click on “JSON” button. Our claim API now correctly parses 837 transactions containing multiple claims.
API for Converting NCPDP to JSON (06/22/2023)
We now provide API for converting NCPDP input into JSON. User can also export parsed NCPDP in JSON format using the “To JSON” button.
Rendering of Drug-related Fields for Medical Claims (06/16/2023)
Our claim business view now correctly renders NDC number, quantity, units and prescription number for service lines.
Parsing of Numbers in NCPDP (06/11/2023)
We now correctly handle parsing numeric fields.
NCPDP Viewer Release (06/07/2023)
Our NCPDP viewer is now live. It supports all HIPAA telecom transactions, such as B1, B2, N transactions and others.
Support for Additional X12 EDI Transactions; “Clear” Button (06/04/2023)
We’ve added support for the following EDI transactions: 110, 309, 810, 856.
We’ve also introduced “Clear” button to make it easier to clean up between file uploads.
NCPDP Telecom Format Parser (06/02/2023)
Our NCPDP Telecom parser is ready to go. For now, we published a NCPDP B1 example, the NCPDP Viewer, which will be similar to our EDI viewer is coming soon.
Improved Rendering of EDI Values in the “EDI String Only” Mode (05/28/2023)
The tooltip now shows formatted values if they are different from the values from EDI. E.g., “11/11/68” vs. 19681111 for dates.
Expand/collapse (05/21/2023)
We’ve added “Expand” and “Collapse” buttons to the business views to open and close all details sections with a single button click.
Improved Rendering of COB claims with multiple payers and adjustments (05/14/2023)
We now properly render multiple payers in the claim’s business view. Each payer’s section contains adjustments and other info.
Support for all flavors of 277 and 820 transactions (05/07/2023)
277 has an “A” subtype. We now parse 277A according to its schema.
Support for Select Non-HIPAA Transactions (04/30/2023)
We’ve added support for transactions outside the healthcare domain based on the feedback from our users:
- Motor Carrier Load Tender (204)
- Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice (210)
- Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820)
- Purchase Order (850)
- Planning Schedule with Release Capability (830)
More Intuitive Rendering of Nested Loops and Parent-Child Relationships (04/30/2023)
The viewer now properly renders the hierarchy of EDI loops so that the parent-child relationship (e.g., claim – service lines) is clearly delineated using indentation.
Support for All HIPAA Transactions (04/22/2023)
Added support for all HIPAA transactions, such as 270, 271, 277, 278, 820, 834.
Additional Fields in the 835 Business View (04/02/2023)
We’ve added support for some extra fields in our business-friendly view for payments (835). The fields include supplemental amounts and quantities, additional provider identifiers and many more.
Rendering of Adjustments for Claims (03/26/2023)
Added support for the CAS segment in claims and service lines.
835 (Payments) (03/15/2023)
Business view for 835 payment transactions, similar to claims.
Initial release (01/08/2023)
Initial release of the free version of the EDI viewer focusing on 837 transactions.
We’re updating the viewer regularly; please sign up for the update below to stay on top of bug fixes, enhancements and support for new EDI transactions.