Interactive Examples of Healthcare Claims in X12 EDI

This section contains examples of healthcare claims provided by, updated with ICD-10 codes and up-to-date CPT codes.

Please read our overview of healthcare claim types (professional, institutional, dental) to get an initial understanding of how X12 EDI claim transactions are organized.

Examples are rendered using EDI Viewer components of our Claim Insight ETL and analytics platform. We’re currently providing beta access to the EDI Viewer and Claim Insight. If you’d like to be able to use the same intuitive UI for your own X12 EDI data, please get in touch with us via this form.

All examples are interactive. Mouse over any portion of an EDI string to see the definition of an EDI element. You can also click on the segment ID (two or three-letter segment identifier) to view all the elements and descriptions in a convenient tabular form.

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