MongoDB Configuration

Claim Insight needs an instance of MongoDB. You can use a community edition, enterprise edition or MongoDB Atlas.

The minimal supported MongoDB version is 6.0.

We recommend using Atlas since it automatically handles redundancy, backups and other operational concerns.

The size of MongoDB cluster will depend on the number of claims and payments stored in the system. We recommend setting up an M30 or M40 cluster as the starting point.

Claim Insight Docker installation comes with a community MongoDB instance.

The connection string points to a local instance running on the mongo host by default: mongodb://mongo:27017

You can override the connection string by defining MONGODB_URI environment variable.

For example for Atlas, the connection string could look like this:


You database credentials should be defined in a separate config file, e.g., in .env for docker compose.

Claim Insight automatically adds connection string parameters for fine-tuning MongoDB’s connection pooling: connectTimeoutMS=0&minPoolSize=10&maxPoolSize=100&waitQueueTimeoutMS=900000. Do not override these parameters.

You can get rid of the MongoDB container in docker-compose.yml if you’re using Atlas or a separate database instance.

Claim Insight automatically creates the database and necessary collections upon its startup. Additional collections are created as you load files.

The Claim Insight’s database can always be recreated from your EDI files. It is important to have a backup of all loaded files.